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The Sacred Congregation of Indulgences and Holy Relics, in conformity with the declaration of Dec. 29, 1864, and in view of the testimony of the professors of theology of Woodstock College, in the United States of America, in regard to the English translation, made in the said college, of the book entitled: Raccolta di Oracioni e Pie opere, per le quali sono state concesse dai Sommi Pontefici le SS. Indulgenze, published at Rome from the press of the Sacred Congregation of the Propaganda, guarantees the fidelity of the said translation, ordering, at the same time, that some copies of the book be sent to the office of the Secretary of the said Sacred Congregation, to be preserved in its archives.

Given at Rome, from the Office of the Secretary of the said S. Congregation, June 17, 1878.


a S. Stephano, Prefecta S. Stephano, Prefect.

L. ✠ S.

A. Panici, Secretary.