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name we may give willingly, and freely distribute our temporal goods.

But pluck up out of our hearts covetousness, which is the root of all evil, that we may not desire other men’s goods, but give of our own, not with sadness, or of necessity, but with a full hand and a kind heart; and so be beloved by thee as cheerful givers, and receive the kingdom prepared for us from the foundation of the world. Amen.

3. Against gluttony.

Lord Jesus, mirror of abstinence, who, to recommend to us by word and example a salutary abstinence, after taking our mortal flesh, didst fast forty days and forty nights; and hast taught us that man doth not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God: Grant that we may taste the honied richness of thy words, which are sweeter than honey and the honeycomb; that, rejecting all delicate meats and provocatives of appetite, we may live soberly and godly in this world; and, contented with plain and moderate fare, may receive thy gifts with thanksgiving, and make not a god of our belly, but serve thee the living God, who so bountifully providest for us. Amen.

4. Against luxury.

O Lord Jesus Christ, guardian of chaste minds, and lover of modesty, who, to shew that thou most delightest in purity, didst vouchsafe to take human flesh of the womb of thy most pure Virgin Mother, mercifully regard the weakness of our nature. Create in us a clean heart, and renew a right spirit within us. Grant us to curb the concupiscence of the flesh with the bridle of continence, to subdue all incentives to lust, and to pierce our very flesh with thy fear; that, this bosom enemy overcome, we may serve thee with a chaste body, and please thee by a clean heart. Amen.

5. Against envy.

Most loving Jesus, great example of charity, who comprisest all the precepts of the aw in the love of God and of our neighbour; grant us to love thee our God and Saviour with all our heart, with all our soul, and with all our mind, since thou hast first so loved us that thou hast given for us thy life.

Make us next to love our neighbour from our inmost hearts, and only to hate him by whose envy death entered into the world, that, rejoicing in our neighbour’s prosperity, and grieving in his adversity, we may have pleasure in no