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There have been published, from time to time, with the approbation of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences, Raccoltas, or Collections of Prayers and Pious Practices, to which the Sovereign Pontiffs have attached indulgences. None of these Raccoltas was found to be free from imperfections: either because certain indulgences which had been granted were wanting, or because their nature and character was not exactly stated, or because mistakes occurred in regard either to the Popes who had granted the indulgences, or to the date of their concession.

In order to apply a remedy, the S. Congregation, not content with merely approving, caused a new Raccolta to be compiled under its own immediate supervision, thereby guaranteeing its exactness, fidelity, and authority. This Raccolta was approved by his Holiness, Pius IX., by a decree of the S. Congregation of Indulgences and