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by an example. St. Francis of Sales, the great Bishop of Geneva, had converted 70,000 Protestants. His zeal for souls led him to address himself to a learned Calvinist, the head of this sect in the town of Geneva. He was at that time seventy years of age; his bald head and snowy beard indicated a period of life which must be nearing the portal of eternity. The holy bishop expounded to him, in the most forcible manner, the truths of the Catholic faith, by which alone can we be saved. Beza, for such was the name of the learned old man, Beza confessed himself vanquished and owned that he had nothing more to allege!

Was Beza therefore converted? No! This old man resembled Mount Etna, which, although covered with snow, vomits forth fire — he was the slave of lust. He sighed over his weakness and misery, and pointing to the object of his illicit love, he said : " See, this is why I remain a Calvinist, and can not accept the true Faith." That was his final answer, and he died a heretic.

Hence we can not wonder that there are in the present day so many Christians whose faith has grown cold, or who have lost it altogether, and among their number are to be found — the sight fills me with grief and pain — many young men who went forth into life unspoiled and full of faith. We see how so many of them pander to their passions, and have become the slaves of vice.

5. Wherefore, my dear young friend, in drawing to a conclusion these instructions concerning faith, I entreat you by all that you hold dear and sacred, to watch and pray, in order that you may not lose your faith! Be ever on your guard, in order that the heavenly telescope may not