Page:The "Sure to Rise" Cookery Book - 3rd ed.djvu/34

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  • 3 eggs, their weight in butter and sugar
  • The weight of 4 eggs in flour
  • 1 teaspoonful Edmonds' Baking Powder
  • Juice of one small lemon

Cream butter and sugar, add eggs one by one, beat well, add lemon juice, flour, and baking powder. Bake in buttered cake tin in moderate oven for about one hour. Ice the top if desired.


  • 1/2 lb. butter
  • 1/2 ℔. sugar
  • 6 eggs
  • 1/2 ℔. dates
  • 11/2 breakfastcups flour
  • 1 teaspoonful Edmonds' Baking Powder

Beat butter and sugar to a cream, add eggs 2 at a time; beat well, add flour, powder, and fruit. Bake about 11/2 hours.


  • 1 breakfastcup flour
  • 2 teaspoonfuls Edmonds' Baking Powder
  • 1 teaspoonful cornflour (or potato flour)
  • 1/4 ℔. sugar
  • 1/4 ℔. butter
  • 4 eggs
  • Flavouring

Beat butter and sugar to a cream, well whisk the eggs, sift dry ingredients together, make a hole in centre of flour, in which put butter and eggs, mix thoroughly but lightly; add flavouring liked, and bake in small patty pans in hot oven for about 10 minutes.