Page:The "Sure to Rise" Cookery Book - 3rd ed.djvu/40

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  • 1/4 ℔. butter (or dripping)
  • 1/4 ℔. sugar
  • 1/2 cup Golden Syrup
  • 1 large cup of strong coffee
  • 1 ℔. flour (or 2 breakfast cups)
  • 2 heaped teaspoonfuls Edmonds' Baking Powder
  • 1 teaspoonful ground ginger
  • A few raisins and peel
  • A little spice or nutmeg

Cream butter and sugar, add syrup warmed and mixed with the coffee, together with sifted flour, add spices to creamed butter, add raisins and peel, then beat in baking powder; bake in moderate oven about 2 hours.


  • 1/2 cupful butter
  • 1 cupful sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 1/2 cupful lemon peel (cut up)
  • 3 breakfastcups flour
  • 3 teaspoons Edmonds' Baking Powder

Beat butter and sugar to a cream, add the eggs, and beat few minutes longer, add other ingredients, and mix into moderate paste with milk. Place on cold oven shelf (greased), and bake about 12 or 15 minutes in hot oven.

Special.—If Edmonds' Baking Powder should appear lumpy in tin, it will easily powder up again (with back of spoon) before using in cooking.


Always cream together the butter and sugar in a basin, before commencing to add the eggs already beaten; this will add success to your cakes.