Page:The "Sure to Rise" Cookery Book - 3rd ed.djvu/49

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Cakes should be baked as soon as they are mixed.
Raisins should always be stoned.
Candied peel should always be thinly sliced.
For nice pastry, always sift the flour.
For scones and rolls, always use a very quick oven.
For buns and small cakes, a moderate quick oven.
For large cakes, not quite so quick.
For sponge cakes, a moderate oven.
Test the oven before baking—don't guess.
Before baking, have everything ready, and suitable fire.
Never slam the oven door when cooking, it spoils cakes, pastry, and puddings.
Two breakfastcups of flour piled up equal 1℔.
Wooden spoons are better than metal for all cooking.
Always rub butter or lard into the flour with the fingers, not the palms of the hand.
Currants, sultanas, raisins, or sugar equals 1/2℔. in barely level breakfastcup,
Edmonds' Baking Powder should always be mixed in dry ingredients, unless otherwise mentioned.
One breakfastcup of milk equals 1/2-pint; 1 teacupful of milk equals 1 gill.
A cake should rise before browning to its full height, especially sponge cakes.
You can always guess amount of butter to use in cooking by dividing the 1℔. squares.

This book is published and edited by the manufacturers, with the hope that it may prove of service to all who are in any way interested with that very necessary and important branch of domesticity, cooking. If this COOKERY BOOK serves the end already mentioned, it will in some degree act as a return of thanks for the generous and whole hearted support given to EDMONDS' "SURE TO RISE" BAKING POWDER by the general public.