Page:The A. B. C. of Colonization.djvu/43

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The Lord Ashley M.P.

The Rt. Hon. Sidney Herbert, M.P.
The Hon. Vernon Smith, M.P.
John Tidd Pratt, Esq.
F. G. P. Neison, Esq.
W. Monsell, Esq. M.P.

With power to add to the number.


1. That the Society be based on the principle of friendly parties or groups of approved individuals, who are acquainted with each others' character, becoming jointly and severally responsible for loans advanced to them.

2. That a committee of this Society shall be formed in London to be called the central committee, and branch of local committees, to be named from their respective localities.

3. That loans shall be granted by the Society for two years, to family groups, without interest.

4. That branch committees undertaking the formation and direction of family groups be required to communicate to the central committee the wants, means, and eligibility of parties desiring to avail themselves of the Society's aid.

5. That agents be appointed in the colonies, whose duties shall be—to receive from emigrants all loans made by the Society; to remit the same to the central committee in England; to keep a register of all agreements entered into; the district to which emigrants shall proceed; to afford advice and assistance to emigrants in obtaining employment; and to facilitate by all the means in their power the due settlement of the people, as well as to forward all correspondence between them and their friends in Europe.

6. That such agent shall give receipts in duplicate to each emigrant for all sums received on account of loans; such emigrant handing or remitting the duplicate to the local committee, and retaining the original.

7. That contributors advancing loans shall be privileged to nominate persons for a passage from their own locality or elsewhere; and that directors of charitable institutions be entitled to similar privileges.

8. That all loans be effected through the central committee.

9. That influential parties in Australia be invited to co-operate with this Society, by forming branch committees for aiding agents in the settlement of emigrants, recovering loans, and acting for ^e central committee at home, in case of need.

10. That some of the most intelligent of the family groups who may first proceed to the colony be requested to unite themselves for the time being to the local or district committee, and to aid the agent in the recovery of loans made to the family party with which they are connected.

11. That family parties consists of a limited number, each group not to contain more than twenty families, nor less than three families.

12. That loses incurred by accident, such as deaths, to be borne by the Society.

13. That, to meet such and similar exceptional expenses, a reserve fund be formed, distinct from the loans of the general run of contributors.

14. That, on contributors desiring to resume their loans, due notice shall be given to the parent Society, and that as soon as the sum so advanced has been received from the individuals for whose benefit it had been applied, it shall be duly reimbursed to the original lenders.