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new edition, from new plates on super-calendered paper; revised ano enlarged, nearly 900 pp. and 600 fine portraits and pictures.

Read What is Said of It.

Historically accurate, and clear and pleasing in style.—C. A. Simms, Chancellor Syracuse University.

No good Methodist should be without a copy.—Ira D. Sankey.

The reader never tires as he is led on over the sparkling pages.—C A. Payne, Sec'y Board of Education M. E. Church.

Histories we have had, but the Story has never before been toldIt will be read eagerly by the family around the fireside.—Prof. Chas. W. Bennett, Northwestern University.

Full of interesting matter, in very readable shape.—Bishop Fowler. A delightful story.—Frances E. Willard. I can safely commend it to all.—Bishop Vincent. Heaven speed this book and bless its author.—Bishop Mallalieu. It ought to be in every Methodist home.—Bishop Bowman. As fascinating as a romance yet true as history.—Bishop Harris. Not a dull page.—Bishop Warren. Will not be set aside as a story that has been told.—Bishop Merrill. Interesting and valuable.—Bishop Andrews. Merits a place in every home—Bishop Walden. May its sales reach the million line.—Pres. Warren, Boston Univ. It is grand. I read nothing else until I had gone through it with care.—Bishop Wm. Taylor. An interesting story for all our people.—Wm. Nast, D. D. The perusal of it affords me both pleasure and profit. I am deeply affected with the candor with which you write of Free Methodism—Bishop B. T. Roberts. I have read it with satisfaction and profit.—H. A. Buttz, Pres. Drew Theol. Seminary. To it Dr. Hyde has brought the lore of a life-time and the study of fifty years.—David H. Moore, Ed. Chicago Christian Advocate. A wonderful Story, simply and graphically told.—Wm. Rice, Librarian, Springfield, Mass. I am in full spmpathy with it.—S. G. Nelles, Chancellor Victoria University, Cobourg, Canada

The engraving, printing and binding are up to the times and subject.—Bishop McTyeire.

Entertaining, instructive and impartial.—Bishop Keener. In every Methodist family it should have a place on the center-table—Bishop Granbery. Interesting, instructive and useful.—Bishop Duncan. Admirable; every true Methodist will want it—Bishop Key. Impartial and candid.—L. C Garland, Chancellor Vanderbilt Univ. My own children, eight and ten years old, are delighted with it. I have read some parts twice.—Gross Alexander Prof, in Vanderbilt Univ. It is veritable history with all the fascination of a story.—Bishop Fitzgerald. Lively and graphic. A valuable addition to our historic literature.—W. E Cunnyngham, S. S. Ed. M. E Ch., South. Charming, not dull, nor tedious nor partisan, but fair to all.—Atticus G. Haygood. Admirable.—Charles F Deems Is distinguished by freshness and recent investigation.—Christian Advocate, New York City.

A wonderful story. A rich means of grace.—Zions Herald. Without a rival for historical compactness and illustration.—N. W. C. Advocate. This marvelous story is told with freshness and vigor and wonderful condensation—Canadian Methodist Magazine. It is like music to the soul.—Buffalo Christian Advocate. It covers all Methodist history and brings it down to the present day—Pittsburg Christian Advocate. It treats with equal fairness all branches of Methodism—Methodist Protestant, Baltimore. He is the fairest of any Northern author we have ever read.—The Episcopal Methodist. Baltimore. This narrative is pleasing to the mind and the mechanical execution pleasing to the eye. Heaven speed it—Christian Advocate M. E. Ch. South, Nashville. It can be used to rest on while working.—Alabama Christian Advocate. To all who want a compact, true history of the whole Methodist Church we say buy Hyde's Story of Methodism. Southern Christian Advocate. Eureka! It is happiest embodiment of attractions both for young and aged we have ever seen.—The Holston Methodist.

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