Page:The Amateur's Greenhouse and Conservatory.djvu/194

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The single and double azaleas are grown in precisely the same manner, and in any case the double varieties should, on account of their fine characters, have a conspicuous place in even a small collection.

The Rhododendron.—From this fine genus we may select a number of tender species and hybrids that are as well worthy of culture under glass as the hardier kinds are in the open air. The glorious R. arboreum with its myriads of scarlet flowers is perhaps best known as the representative of this class, but a good selection would include the wonderful R. Nuttalii, the chaste and fragrant R. Edgworthii, and the curious R. Jasminiflorum. The routine and cultivation advised for azaleas will suit rhododendrons, and their place should be in the coolest part of the house.