Page:The Amateur's Greenhouse and Conservatory.djvu/53

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four-inch galvanized iron pipe; the fuel used is coke broken small. The cost of the house and its fittings was £25. Mr. Lant says that he has tested its portability, for he once removed it on a railway truck a distance of sixty miles. “We put three spokes under the base of the house on each side six spokes in all, and two men at each spoke carried it to the railway truck, and thence to its new site, in perfect safety and without drawing a nail. The house and twelve dozen plants were carried in perfect safety a distance of sixty miles on the North-Eastern Railway for 25s.”


The last example will be an improvement on the foregoing, with every particular of construction from first to last. The details of construction are represented pp. 48, 49, 50, and 52.

The diagram of the elevation shows a detached building set upon a raised platform of earth, to give it a greater apparent elevation, with a gravel walk surrounding it, and two steps placed in the grass slope, by which to ascend the platform. The house is composed of parts that, when taken to pieces, may