Page:The Amazing Emperor Heliogabalus.djvu/24

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the soldiers, 53. Date of the proclamation of Elagabalus, 55. Macrinus astonished, 56. The Empire in favour of Bassianus, Julian's expedition, 59. Deserters to Bassianus, 61. Macrinus at Apamea, and Diadumenianus' elevation, 63. Macrinus retires to Antioch, 66. Bassianus wins allegiance of soldiers at Apamea, 67. Dion on the dates of proclamation and battle, 67. Arval Brothers' meeting, 68. Wirth, 69. Battle of Immae, 69. Antonine at Antioch, 71. Macrinus' escape, 72. Capture and death, 74. Character of Macrinus, 75.

Antonine's refusal to allow the sack of Antioch, 77. Chief minister, 78. Antonine's temperament, 79. Acts of the new Government, 81. Amnesty, 83. Position of the Senate, 84. Delight of Rome, 86. Dismissal of troops, 87. Treasonable attempts and pretenders, 88. Elagabal to accompany the Emperor, 91. Journey to Nicomedia, 92. Winter in Asia Minor, 93. Illness of the Emperor, 94. Xiphilinus on Antonine's religion, 95. Monotheistic or Mithraic not polytheistic, 96. Death of Gannys, 101. Antonine's character, 102. His popularity and his taxation, 104.

Date of arrival in Rome discussed, 107. The entry into the city according to Herodian, 110. First marriage. 111. The temples, 112. The scheme for the unifying of religions, 114. The worship, 115. The Eastern cults, 115. Date of scheme discussed, 118. Reasons for its failure, 118. Women in the Senate, 119. Senaculum, 121. Lampridius on the Emperor's popularity, 124. Charges against the Administration, 125. Divorce of Julia Paula, 126. Pastimes, 127. Summary, 128. Elagabal's alliance with Vesta, Antonine's with Aquilia Severa, 129. Pomponius Bassus' plot, 131. Antonine divorces Elagabal from Minerva, himself from Aquilia Severa, 132. Sends for Tanit from Carthage, 133. Marries Annia Faustina, 134. Alliance of Maesa and Mamaea, 135.

Lampridius on Alexander, 137. Seius Carus' plot, 139. Military expenditure, 140. Maesa's plan for the adoption of Alexander, 141. The Emperor's reasons for concurrence, 142. Name Alexander accounted for, 144. Date of adoption discussed, 145. Position after adoption, 146. Alexander's titles, 147. Antonine's endeavours, 148. Antonine's resolve to divorce Annia Faustina and disown Alexander, 150. Accusations against the Government, 151. Antonine's attempt to assassinate