Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume I.djvu/816

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780 ARTEVELDE impure liquids are discharged, the flow of which upon the surface would prove a nuisance. ARTEVELDE. I. Jacob van, a citizen and pop- ular leader of Ghent, and for a time almost ruler of Flanders, born about 1300, killed in a popu- lar insurrection, July 17, 1345. He was of noble family, but caused himself to be enrolled in the guild of brewers as a means of gaining the favor of the people. By the generous use of his great wealth, and by his sympathy with the popular cause, he soon acquired a wide influence, was chosen leader of many other guilds besides his own, and won the imiver- sal confidence of the people. War was at this time raging between England and France. Count Louis I. of Flanders and nearly all the Flemish nobility were openly on the side of the latter, while the sympathies of the people of Ghent and the great Flemish com- mercial cities were entirely with the English. Count Louis had made himself most unpopu- lar with his subjects by his tyrannous acts, while Artevelde had attained such power that he acted with entire independence of his sove- reign. Thus, when a crisis was brought about by a message from Edward III. of England to the Flemings, asking their alliance, Artevelde took it upon himself to make a treaty with him, in which he was sustained by the citizens of Ghent. Aided by the English, the popular leader forced Bruges and Ypres to join in his treaty with Edward, compelled the count to retire into France, and was himself proclaimed leader or governor (ruwaert). He now as- sumed complete control of Flanders, removed the officials appointed by Count Louis, and when in 1338 the latter returned to Ghent to seek a reconciliation with the citizens, he made him prisoner, and forced him (Decem- ber, 1339) to agree to the English alliance. Soon afterward Count Louis again returned to France. Artevelde retained almost absolute power in Flanders for nine years, until, by an injudicious project for proclaiming the prince of Wales (the Black Prince) governor of the country, he lost the popular confidence. Feuds followed between the different guilds, which he no longer controlled ; the chief of the weav- ers, Gerard Denys, aspired to be his rival; and finally a battle was fought in the market place, between the weavers and other guilds, in which the former were victorious. Artevelde now thought himself in danger, and introduced a body of English troops into his house ; this enraged the people, who rose against him and killed him in his own dwelling. II. Philip van, son of the preceding, and like him a popular leader and governor, born about 1340, died in battle, Nov. 27, 1382. During his youth he took no part in public affairs ; but when the citizens of Ghent revolted against Louis II., the son and successor of his father's enemy, his name and associations brought him into imme- diate prominence, and he was chosen rowaert in 1381. One of his first acts was to bring to execution twelve of those who had assisted in ARTHRITIS the murder of his father. Count Louis had in the mean time succeeded in so completely cutting off" supplies from Ghent that he had reduced the city to great want. But the cit- izens endured the suffering bravely, two who proposed surrender being put to death, and Artevelde resolved upon a sally against the count, who had his headquarters at Bruges. With 6,000 troops he encountered Louis near that city, defeated him with great slaughter, and took and plundered the city ; upon this vic- tory, the other Flemish towns, except Oude- narde, which he unsuccessfully besieged, sub- mitted. The French king, Charles VI., now sent an army to the assistance of Count Louis. It entered Flanders in November, 1382, and on the 27th met and routed the troops of Arte- velde, killing an immense number. Artevelde's body was found among the dead, and hung by the victors to a tree. ARTHRITIS (Gr. apdplTi^ belonging to the joints, from bpOpov, a joint), inflammation of the joints, of which there are three kinds, trau- matic arthritis, rheumatic arthritis, and gouty inflammation of the joints. For the two lat- ter varieties, see GOUT, and RHEUMATISM. Traumatic arthritis is a frequent complication arising from wounds or bruises, contusions, and surgical operations in or near the articu- lations. Acute inflammation of the articula- tion sometimes occurs also, without external cause, from the absorption of pus or morbid matter within the system. Women suffering from recent childbirth, or persons afflicted with phlebitis, blennorrhagia, or purulent infection, are liable to suffer from arthritis. Blows, falls, sprains, violent distortion of a joint, fractures, and wounds made by sharp instruments, may all produce acute inflammation of the joints. All the parts of the joint may be involved, or some of the external or internal tissues only ; for the intensity of the inflammation is much greater when the capsule of the joint is lace- rated and admits the air. During the first day or two the case may seem very simple and with- out danger to the patient; but often on the third or the fourth day, or even later, the symptoms become more severe, and the pain excessive. Traumatic arthritis is sometimes so severe as to derange the general health pro- foundly, causing delirium and convulsions ; the skin is burning hot, the tongue is red, bile is vomited, and the patient suffers much from bodily pain and mental anxiety. Suppuration is the usual termination of this kind of inflam- mation. When traumatic arthritis is superfi- cial, it is easily cured ; but when deeply seated and admitting air into the joint, it is a seri- ous disease. The proper treatment consists of cloths and compresses steeped in cold water, and placed around the inflamed parts ; rest fot the whole body, and particularly for the im- plicated limb ; cooling diet, with appropriate sedatives and other medicines. Cupping and leeching are sometimes useful ; and where sup- puration has commenced, it is commonly more