Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume I.djvu/848

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IV CONTENTS PAGB Alcald la Keal 259 Alcalde 259 Alcamenes f~ Alcamo 260 Alcantara * Alcantara, Knights of 26 Alcavala 260 Alcazar 260 Alcazar de San Juan 260 Alcestis. Sec Admetus. Alchemy 26 Alciati, Giovanni Paolo 262 Alcibiades 262 Alchindus. See Alkindi. Alcinous 262 Alciphron 263 Alcira 263 Alcmiron (two) 263 Alcnueonidaj 268 AJcman 264 Alcmena 264 Alcock. Sir Rutherford 264 Alcohol 264 Alcona county 265 Alcorn county 266 Alcott, Amos Bronson 266 Alcott, Louisa May 266 Alcott, William Alexander, M. D.. . 266 Alcoy 267 Alcuin 26T Alcyone 267 Aldan mountains 267 Aldan river. 267 Aldborough 267 Aldebaran 267 Aldegonde, Sainte, Philip ran Mar- nix, Baron of 267 Aldegrever, Hcinrich 267 Aldehyde 267 Alden, John 268 Aldenhoven 268 Alder 268 Alderman 268 Alderney 268 Aldershott 269 Aldhelm 269 Aldine Editions 269 Aldini. Antonio, Count 268 Aldini, Giovanni 269 Aldobrandini family 269 Aldrieh, Thomas Bailey 270 Aldridge, Ira 270 Aldmviiiidus. Ulysses 270 Ale. See Beer, and Brewing. Aleandro, Girolomo 270 Alecto 271 Alegambe. Philippe 271 Airman. Mateo 271 Alemanni 271 Alembert, Jean le Rond d' 271 Alembic 272 Alemtejo 272 Alencon 272 Alencon, Francois, Duke oil See Anjou. Aleppo 272 Aleshkl 278 Alesia 278 Alessandresku. Gregory 278 Alessandri. Basil 278 Alessandria 274 Aleutian Islands 274 Alewife 275 Alexander co., N. C 275 Alexander co.. Ill 275 Alexander the Great 275 Alexander I. VIII., Popes 279 Alexander I.. Emperor 280 Alexander II., Emperor 288 Alexander I. III., Kings of Scot- land 285 Alexander, Alexander Humphreys. 2s5 Alexander, Archibald, I). D 2V> Alexander, Sir James Edward 2*6 Alexander, James Waddel, D. D. . . 2>6 Alexander. Joseph Addison, D. D.. 286 Alexander. Ludwig Christian Georg Friedrich Erntl 28 Alexander, Stephen, LL. D 286 Alexander, William (two) 2s7 Alexander of Aphrodisias 887 Alexander Archipelago 267 PAGE Alexander Balas 2s7 Alexander ol Hales 287 Alexander Janmeus 288 Alexander John 1 288 Alexander Karageorgevitfh 288 Alexander Nevskoi 288 Alexander Severus 2S9 Alexandre, Aaron 289 Alexandretta 2S9 Alexandria county 289 Alexandria, Va 289 Alexandria, La 290 Alexandria, Egypt 290 Alexandrian Codex 291 Alexandrian Library 291 Alexandrian School 292 Alexandrine 292 Alexandropol 292 Alexondrov 292 Alexandrovsk 292 Alexei. See Alexis Alexis I., Comncnua, Emperor of Trebizond 292 Alexis I., Comncnus, Emperor of Constantinople 292 Alexis, Wtllbald. See Hiiring. Alexis Mikhalloviteh 298 Alexis Petrovltch 234 Alfanl 294 Alfarabius 234 Alfleri, Vittorio, Count -.94 Alfonso I., the Catholic 235 Alfonso II., the Chaste 2115 Alfonso III, the Great 295 Alfonso VI.. the Valiant 2.)5 Alfonso VII. or VIII., Raimondez.. 295 Alfonso X., the Wise 235 Alfonso I. of Aragon 296 Alfonso V. of Aragon and I. of Na- ples 296 Alfonso I. of Portugal 297 Alfonso V. of Portugal 297 Alford, Henry 297 Alfort 298 Alfred the Great 298 Alga; 298 AlgardL Alcssondro 800 Algarottl. Francesco 00 Algarovilla 801 Algarve 801 Algazzali, Abu Hamed Mohammed . 801 Algebra 801 Algeclras 802 Algerba 802 A I.'IT. Horatio, Jr 802 Alger, William Kounscville 802 Algeria 802 Algliero 307 Algiers 307 Algoa Bay 808 Algoma 808 Ahfonqulns 808 Alguodl Ml Albania 809 Alhambra 809 Alhondega. 810 All Pasha 810 All ben Abu Toleb 811 Alibaud, Louis 81 1 Alibert, Jean Louis 811 All Bey 812 Alicante, province and town 312 Alicata. Bee Licata. Allen 812 Alighieri, Dante degIL See Dante. Alighur 314 Aliment 81 4 Alimentary Canal 817 A lniH-ntus, Lucius Cmclus 818 Alimony 819 Alison, Archibald ' 320 Alison, Sir Archibald :;-.'o Alizarine 821 Alizarine, Artificial &2 Alkali 822 Alkalimetry 822 Alkaloid 822 Alkana. See Henna. Alkanet .322 Alkindi 3'->2 Alkmoar 822 Alkiuaar, Heinrich von 828 7AG Alkoran. See Koran. Allah 328 Allahabad 828 Allamakee county 828 Allomand, Jean Nicolas Sebastien . . 828 I Allan, David 828 Allan, Sir William 824 Auan-Kordec, Uippolite Leon Deni- zard 824 Allard, Jean Francois 824 Allardice, Robert Barclay. See Bar- clay. Allegan countv 824 Allegany co., N. Y 884 Allegany co., Md 824 Alleghany co., Va 824 Alleghany co., N. C 825 Alleghany College. See Meodville. Alleghany Mountains. See Appa- lachian' Mountains. Allegbany River 825 Allegheny co_ Penn 825 Allegheny City 825 Allegiance 825 Allegri, Antonio. See Correggio. Allcgri, Gregorlo 827 Alleine, Joseph 827 Alleine. Richard 827 Alleraand, Zachorie Jacques Theo- dore, Count 828 Allen co., Ky 828 Allen co., Ohio 828 Allen co., Ind 828 Allen co., Kansas 828 ! Allen, Bog of. See Bog. Allen, Ethan 828 Allen, Ira. 329 Allen, Joseph W 8:9

Allen, Paul 829

Allen, Samuel 829 Allen, Solomon 829 Allen, Thomas 880 Allen, William, D.D 880 Allen, William 880 Allen, William Henry 880 Allen, William llenry, LL. D 880 Allonde, Jose 881 Allentown 881 Allestree, Richard 881 Allevn, Edward 881 All- Fours 831 Allgaier, Johann 831 All Hallows. See Hallow Eve. Alllbone, Samuel Austin, LL.D 881 Allier 882 Alligator 832 A Mix. Jacques Alexandre Francois.. 838 Alllx, Pierre 888 AUoa 884 Allobroges 884 Allodium 884 Allom, Thomas 884 Allomakee. See Allamakee. Allopathy 884 Allori, Alessandro 884 Allori, Cristoluno 884 Allotropism 384 Allouez, Claude Jean 885 Alloy 885 All Saints' Bay 887 All Saints 1 Day 387 All Souls 887 Allspice 887 Allston. Washington 887 Alluvium 338 Alma 340 Ahnacks 840 Almaden : . 840 Almagest 840 Almagro 840 Almagro, Diego de (two) 840 Alinali 841 Al-Mamoun, Abu Abbas Abdallah.. 841 Almanac Al-Mansour, Abu Jaffar Abdallah.. 842 Alrnaric 848 Almeb 848 Almeida 348 Almeida, Francisco de 343 Almeria 843 Almodovar, Ildefonso Diaz de Ribe- ra, Count of. 848