Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume II.djvu/359

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BARROS BARROW 339 charge of the naval defences of North Carolina and Virginia, with the rank of flag officer. He was at Hatteras inlet at the time of the attack upon Forts Clark and Hatteras by Flag Officer Stringliam, Aug. 28, 1861, and by request of the officers commanding the forts assumed the general direction of the defence. After the surrender he was sent to New York, and re- mained a prisoner of war until exchanged in 1802. During the remainder of the war he was in England, engaged in fitting out block- ade-runners and privateers. After the close of the war he returned to Virginia and en- gaged in farming. BARROS, Joao de, a Portuguese historian, born in 1496, died in 1570. He was of noble family and early employed about the court. In 1522 he was governor of a Portuguese set- tlement on the coast of Guinea, and afterward treasurer of the Indies. He was recommended by the king himself to cultivate history, some of his compositions having been read with ap- proval by his majesty. He wrote the history of Portuguese conquest in India, down to 1526, under the title of Asia, in four decades (pub- lished 1552-1615). It was continued by Diego de Couto, the historiographer of Philip II. of Spain. The best edition is that of 1777-'8, from the royal press of Lisbon. He also wrote a chivalric romance, Cronica do Imperador Clarimundo, and many other works. His style is dignified and his diction elegant and pure. He has been styled the Portuguese Livy. BARROT. I. Camille Hyaclnthe Odllon, popular- ly known as ODII.ON BARROT, a French advocate and statesman, born at Villefort, department of Loz6re, in July, 1791. His father was a revo- lutionist, but Odilon became after his admis- sion to the bar in 1814 friendly to Louis XVIII. ; but subsequently he was prominent in the op- position, and acquired great celebrity as an advocate, especially in political trials. He con- tributed as president of one of the principal political associations, and by his activity, to bring on the revolution of 1830, and was secre- tary of the Paris municipal committee which in July officiated for a few days as a provisional government. He opposed the establishment of a republic as well as the restoration of the elder Bourbons, and contributed much to make Louis Philippe king, but showed personal def- erence to the deposed monarch, escorting him and his family to Cherbourg. Louis Philippe appointed him prefect of the department of the Seine, but was not able to sustain him against the subsequent attacks of Guizot and his party, who especially censured his attitude during the trial of Polignac. The disorders following the funeral celebration by legitimists of the anni- versary of the assassination of the duke de Bern, on which occasion he was accused of negligence, furnished a pretext for his removal, and on Feb. 19, 1831, lie resigned the prefec- ture. He now became a leader of the mod- erate left in the chamber of deputies, opposing a hereditary peerage, promoting the revision of the penal code and public instruction, and obtaining the repeated adoption of a divorce bill in the chamber, notwithstanding its rejec- tion by the peers. He bore an important part in all the political events which preceded the revolution of 1848, as one of the most eloquent orators and influential statesmen of his day, and was the chief promoter of the famous re- form banquets. He submitted to the chamber the act of accusation against the Guizot min- istry, signed by 53 of his colleagues, and was appointed by Louis Philippe prime minister on Feb. 24. In this capacity it was his duty to announce the king's abdication and the ac- cession of the duchess of Orleans as regent. He had flattered himself that his influence would allay the revolutionary storm ; but he was disappointed, and the republic was pro- claimed. He became a member of the con- stituent assembly, and labored in vain for the adoption of a constitution after the English model. Under the presidency of Louis Napo- leon he was appointed minister of justice, with the privilege of presiding over the cabinet in the absence of the prince, Dec. 20, 1848. On April 16, 1849, he assumed the responsibility for the siege of Rome, hut retired at the end of October on account of ill health. Subse- quently failing to effect a reconciliation be- tween the executive and the legislature, he was among the first to protest against the coup d'etat of Dec. 2, 1851, and to join in the un- availing proclamation deposing Louis Napoleon. In 1863 he endeavored in vain to be elected to the chamber, and at the close of 1869 he de- clined to accept the ministry of justice, which was tendered to him by Napoleon III. In 1872 M. Thiers appointed him vice president of the council of state. II. Vietorin Ferdinand, brother of the preceding, born in Paris, Jan. 10, 1806. He became a member of the chamber of depu- ties and solicitor of the treasury, and in 1848 he was elected to the constituent assembly for Algeria, and in the following year to the legis- lative assembly. Having been one of the coun- sel for Louis Napoleon in his trial for the at- tempt of Boulogne, he became on the accession of the latter to the presidency secretary general of his cabinet, and for a few months minister of the interior, after which he went in 1850 as minister to Turin, and was reflected to the legislative assembly. In January, 1852, he be- came a member of the consultative committee, and subsequently of the council of state in con- nection with public works, commerce, and agri- culture. In 1853 he was made senator, and in 1865 secretary of the senate. BARROW, the name given to ancient arti- ficial mounds, constructed for purposes which it is sometimes impossible to discover, but which generally appear to have been commem- orative of famous persons or events in the history of ancient peoples. They are formed either of earth or of stones, are mentioned in Joshua and Homer, and are found among the relics of Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and Scy-