Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume II.djvu/627

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BIARD BIBB 607 unnenale provata con monumenti (Rome, 1697); a volume of his astronomical and geo- graphical observations (Verona, 1737); Opus- cula Varia (2 vols., 1754) ; and an edition of the Vitas Romanorum Pontifimim by Anasta- sins, which was finished by his nephew (4 vols., 1718-'34). BIARD, Angnste Fran- $ols, a French painter, born in Lyons in 1800. He began life as a chorister with a view of connecting himself with the church ; but following his artistic bent, he became suffi- ciently proficient in drawing to secure a professorship on Board a frigate bound to the East, and he subse- quently travelled in Europe, going north as far as Spitsbergen. In 1859 he went to Bra- zil, visited other parts of South America and the United States, and in 1865 set out on an expedition round the globe. Among his most renowned earlier pic- tures are the "Babes in the Wood," "Stroll- ing Comedians," and "A Beggar's Family." His travels suggested to him many themes, among which "A Concert of Fellahs," " White Bears attacking a Boat in Spitzbergen," " The Slave Trade," and "An Aurora Borealis in Spitzbergen" were noted. His "Slaves on Board of a Slaver " was exhibited anew in Paris in 1867. He has also produced "Jane Shore" (1842), "The Bombardment of Bomarsund" (1857), and other historical works ; but his rep- utation with the masses rests upon his sacrificing testhetical rules for the sake of producing great effects, and chiefly upon his knack in delinea- ting the grotesque characteristics of the lower classes, on account of which Edmond About called him the Paul de Kock of painters, while more fastidious critics deny to him all higher artistic merit. Among his many amusing pro- ductions of the kind are " Honors Easy," " The Family Bath," and "National Guard of the Banlieu ; " and among the most recent are "The Bourse of Paris" and "A Provincial Lawsuit" (1863). He enjoys great popularity in France and on the continent, and especially in England, where engravings of his pictures are much in demand. In 1802 he published an illustrated work, Voyage au Bresil. His wife, LONIE D'AUNET, a dramatic and miscel- laneous writer, who accompanied him to Spitz- bergen, but from whom he was separated about 1843, has written Voyage d 'une femme d Spitz- bergen (1854 ; 3d ed., 1867). BIARRITZ, a bathing place of France, in the department of Ba?ses-Pyr6nees, on the bay of Biscay, 5 m. W. S. W. of Bayonne ; pop. in 1866, 91 VOL. ii. 39 3,652. The air here is more bracing than at Pau. The chief public bath houses are in a small bay called Port Vieux and on the Cote do Moulin. The place contains curious grot- toes. It flourished especially during the pe- riodical residence there of Xapoleon III. and Eugenie, 1855-70. The villa Eugenie, as the Villa Eugenie, Biarritz. very plain imperial residence was called, is sit- uated on an elevation close to the sea. BIAS. I. Son of Amythaon, and brother of the seer Melampus, who assisted him in procuring the oxen of Iphicles, without which Neleus would not have allowed him to marry his daughter Pero. He also obtained a third part of the kingdom of Pratus, king of Argos, through his brother's curing the daughters of Prcetus and other Argive women, who were insane. II. Of Priene, flourished at Priene, Ionia, under the Lydian king Alyattes and his son Croesus, about 570 B. C. He was not only numbered among the seven wise men, but was one of the immortal four to whom the term " sophi " was universally applied. He was a jurist by profession, but his abilities and elo- quence were only at the service of those who had right and justice on their side. He in vain sought to prevent the subjugation of the loni- ans by Cyrus by urging them to settle in Sar- dinia ; but when his townsmen, after the siege of their city, concluded to depart, he alone made no preparations for the flight, and when asked about it, answered with the words now proverbial in the Latin, Omnia men mecum porto. His maxims have been published by Orelli in his Opuscula Greecorum Sententiosa et Moralia (Leipsic, 1819), and a German translation of them is contained in Frag- mente der tieben Weuen, by Dilthey (Darm- stadt, 1835). BIBB. I. A central county of Georgia, trav- ersed by the Ocmulgee river and several small creeks; area, 250 sq. m. ; pop. in 1870, 21,255, of whom 11,424 were colored. The surface is uneven. The soil in the valley of the Ocmul- gee is fertile, but in other places is unproduc-