Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume III.djvu/148

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subjected to a rigorous confinement for 17 months. After his release he went to France, and was employed as surgeon in the army. Toward the close of 1796 he was sent to the Venetian islands of the Adriatic, where he wrote a "Historical and Medical Description of the Island of Corfu." In 1798 he was appointed a member of the provisional government of Piedmont, which was soon overthrown by the Austro-Russian invasion. He returned to France, was restored to his rank in the army, after the battle of Marengo became a member of the council which, with six commissioners, was to reorganize and administer the government of Piedmont, and a few months later, when a new government was instituted, he was one of the three commissioners who formed the executive. After the annexation to France in 1802 he became a member of the council of general administration, and published his Precis historique de la maison de Savoie et du Piemont. In 1804 he was chosen to the legislative body, and for some years was a resident of Paris. The first edition of his Storia della guerra dell' independenza degli Stati, Uniti d' America (4 vols. 8vo) appeared in Paris in 1809-'10, was immediately reprinted in Italy, without compensation for want of a copy- right law, passed through several editions, and was translated into English by George Alexander Otis of Boston (2 vols., 1826; new eds., New Haven, 1834 and 1840, and Cooperstown, 1848). In 1808 he was chosen vice president of the legislative assembly, and reflected to the same office the following year. In 1816 he published an epic poem in 12 cantos, entitled II Camilla, o Vejo conquistata. In 1817 he was made rector of the academy at Rouen, where he remained till 1822. There he wrote his second history, the Storia d' Italia del 1789 al 1814, but it was not till 1824 that he was able to publish it. This, too, was immediately republished in Italy. In 1825 he wrote in French a general history of Italy for a popular library (3 vols.). The assistance of friends enabled him to connect his history of Italy with the great work of Guicciardini. He thus completed in five years the 10 volumes of the history of Italy from 1532 to 1789 (Storia d' Italia continuata daquella del Guicciardini sino al 1789, Paris, 1832). This was the last of his works. In the latter part of his life he received from Charles Albert a pension at first of $600, and afterward of $800. II. Paul Emile, a French archæologist, son of the preceding, born about 1800, died at Acheres, near Poissy, April 18, 1870. He made in his youth a voyage round the world, and formed on the W. coast of America a collection of natural curiosities. He accompanied as physician the expedition of Mehemet Ali to Sennaar, 1830-'33, and made a rich zoological collection. He was then appointed French consul at Alexandria, and in 1837 made another journey, the results of which he published in the Relation d'un voyage dans l' Yemen (Paris, 1844). In 1843, being consular agent at Mosul, he began the excavation of Assyrian antiquities from the mounds on the banks of the Tigris, and published in 1848 Écriture cuneiforme assyrienne. The French government commissioned several eminent men to assist him in the preparation of Monuments de Ninive, decouverts et decrits par P. É. Botta, mesures et destines par E. Flandin (5 vols., Paris, 1849-'50), which was translated into English ("Letters on Discoveries at Nineveh," London, 1850 et seq.). Many of the discovered monuments were transported to Paris, and placed in the Louvre. Botta laid the foundation for the more important labors of Layard. In 1846 he became consul at Jerusalem, and in 1857 at Tripoli, where he remained till 1868.

BOTTA. I. Vintenzo, an Italian scholar, born at Cavalier Maggiore, in Piedmont, Nov. 11, 1818. He was professor of philosophy in the royal and national colleges of Turin, and in 1849 became a member of the Sardinian parliament. With Dr. Paroli he prepared a valuable work on public education in Germany (Publilico insegnamento in Germania), which was published at the expense of the Italian government. Two parts of it were written by M. Botta and the third part by Dr. Paroli. Subsequently he settled in the United States, where he was naturalized, and has been for several years professor of Italian in the university of New York. His writings include La qitestiona Americana (1861), "Discourse. on the Life of Count Cavour" (1862), and "Dante, as Philosopher, Patriot, and Statesman "(1865). II. Anne Charlotte Lynch, wife of the preceding, an American poetess, born at Bennington, Vt. Her father belonged to the association of United Irishmen, participated at the age of 16 years in the rebellion of 1798, was by reason of his youth offered pardon if he would swear allegiance to the British government, refused, was imprisoned for four years, and then, being banished for life, settled in the United States. Miss Lynch was educated in Albany. In 1841 she published in Providence the " Rhode Island Book," a selection of prose and verse from the writers of that state. She soon after removed to New York, where her house became a resort of persons connected with literature and the arts. A collection of her poems was published in 1849, illustrated by eminent artists. Her principal prose work is a "Handbook of Universal Literature" (New York, 1860; 3d ed., 1873). She was married to Prof. Botta in 1855. .

BOTTARI, Giovanni Caetano, an Italian prelate, born in Florence, Jan. 15, 1689, died in Rome, June 3, 1775. He was director of the grand-ducal press of Tuscany, professor of ecclesiastical history and controversy in the Sapienza, and subsequently keeper of the Vatican library. He was principal editor of the new edition of the Vocaliulario della Crusca and of the celebrated Vatican Virgil (1741).

BOTTESINI, Antonio, an Italian composer and contrabassist, born at Crema, Dec. 24, 1823.