Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume III.djvu/531

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CABINDA CABINET 525 financial and general control of tlie affairs of the colony, had secured a largo tract of land. The colonists suffered great hardships, and in 1850, upon the arrival of Cabet with another band, removed to Nauvoo, 111., which had been abandoned by the Mormons. Cabet went back to France, where he obtained a reversal of a .judgment which had been rendered against him for swindling his followers. Ho then re- turned to Nauvoo, where he presided over the colony until shortly before his death, when he was set aside. The Icarians held their proper- ty in common, and were esteemed for their in- dustry and morality. Cabet published the Revolution de 1830 (Paris, 1832), HMoire populaire de la revolution francaue de 1T89 (4 vols., 1840), and the Almanack Icarien (1843-'8). CABINDA, a seaport town of Lower Guinea, in the territory of Loango, on the Atlantic, in lat. 5 30' 8., 50 m. N. of the mouth of the Congo ; pop. about 10,000. On account of the fertility of the soil and its beautiful situation, it is sometimes called the paradise of the coast. CABINET, a term first applied in England to that portion of the privy council supposed to possess more particularly the confidence of the sovereign, and to be consulted by him privately on important matters. It is only in modern times that the cabinet council has found a rec- ognized place in the constitutional system, and been regarded as the responsible government. An administration in Great Britain is formed by some leading statesman, supposed to possess the confidence of the majority in the commons, who will be at liberty to take such office in the government as he may prefer, and to name his associates. He is looked upon as the prime minister or premier, and will associate with himself other members of the administration to form a cabinet. The number that shall com- pose this council is not definitely fixed, but the first lord of the treasury, the chancellor of the exchequer, the lord high chancellor, the first lord of the admiralty, and the five principal secretaries of state are expected under any cir- cumstances to have seats in the cabinet ; and it is customary to include also the lord president of the council, the lord privy seal, and some other ministerial functionaries. In some cases statesmen of distinguished ability are called in though they hold no office ; as was the case with the duke of Wellington on several occa- sions, and later with Lord John Russell. The term administration is broader than that of cabinet, and includes with the members of that council all the principal officers of state, some 50 or 60 in number, whose places are va- cated as of course on the formation of a new ministry, unless the incumbents are associated in the new combination. The cabinet is the head and directing body of the administration ; it meets on call, though all the members are not necessarily summoned, and the premier on any occasion may summon those only whose advice he specially desires. The meetings are private; the members are sworn to secrecy, which is to be preserved inviolate after their retirement from office. The prime minister here meets his associates on an equality, and important measures are determined by vote. On leading measures, however, the premier would not be expected to yield; and in case of irreconcilable differences of opinion between him and any one or more of his associates, he may insist upon their retirement from office. All important public measures are usually ma- tured and important appointments agreed upon in these meetings, but the result must be com- municated to the sovereign for approval. . The administration must act as a unit, and in im- portant matters must at all times be in accord with the house of commons. A vote of want of confidence by that body, or the rejection of an important ministerial measure, necessitates the resignation of the ministry, unless they choose to take the responsibility of a dissolu- tion of the parliament, and an appeal to the people in a new election. Besides the control which the commons may exercise over the ad- ministration through a rejection of its measures, the members are also subject to impeachment for maladministration, or for pernicious advice to the sovereign, who is himself irresponsible, being supposed incapable of wrong except as influenced by his constitutional advisers. Di- plomatic appointments and inferior positions in the executive department are held at the will of the existing administration. The pre- mier is the usual channel of communication be- tween the cabinet and the sovereign, who does not in person attend the meetings, and the lat- ter is expected to accept and approve their measures so long as he retains them in office ; but he may dissolve the ministry at any time, and commit to some statesman of his selection the formation of a new one. But the sovereign would not under ordinary circumstances do this, or be sustained therein, unless the com- mons had already demonstrated their want of confidence in the ministry by their votes. The administration must have representatives in both houses of parliament. The resignation of the premier is ipso facto a dissolution of the ministry ; but any other member may retire or be dismissed without breaking up the ad- ministration. In the United States the heads of departments consist of the secretaries of state, of the treasury, of war, of the navy, of the interior, the attorney general, and the post- master general. The constitution empowers the president to require the opinion in writing of the principal officer in each of the executive departments, upon any subject relating to the duties of their respective offices. Washington originated the practice of consulting all the heads of departments on important measures, and by later presidents they have generally been convened for joint consultation, until cab- inet meetings to determine the course of the administration on all questions of importance have come to be expected as a matter of course.