Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume III.djvu/583

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OALDWELL 577 tian era, and continued to be used till about 1240, when they were destroyed by Ezzelino, the leader of the Veronese Ghibellines. At the close of the 15th century an attempt was made by the republic of Venice to revive them, but at the present time they are seldom visited. CALDWELL, the name of five counties in the United States. I. A N. W. county of North Carolina, bounded S. E. by the Cataw- ba river; area, 450 sq. in. ; pop. in 1870, 8,476, of whom 1,380 were colored. A portion of the surface is mountainous, the N. W. part comprising a declivity of the Blue Ridge. The Western North Carolina railroad touches the S. boundary. The chief productions in 1870 were 24,455 bushels of wheat, 207,731 of In- dian corn, 35,313 of oats, and 27,000 Ibs. of tobacco. There were 868 horses, 223 milch cows, 4,161 other cattle, 5,976 sheep, 13,210 swine. Capital, Lenoir. II. A parish of Louisi- ana, intersected by the Washita, which is here navigable by steamboats, and drained by afflu- ents of Little river; area, 528 sq. m. ; pop. in 1870, 4,820, of whom 2,224 were colored. The surface is hilly. The chief productions in 1870 were 75,741 bushels of Indian corn, 15,512 of sweet potatoes, and 4. 1 57 bales of cotton. There were 873 horses, 1,488 milch cows, 4,540 other cattle, 2,843 sheep, and 10,117 swine. Capital, Columbia. III. A S. E. county of Texas ; area, 535 sq. m. ; pop. in 1870, 6,572, of whom 2,531 were colored. It has an undulating, well wood- ed surface, and a good soil, abundantly watered by the San Marcos river, which forms the west- ern boundary, and by several small creeks. The forests contain live oak, elm, cottonwood, post oak, hickory, and ash. It is chiefly an agri- cultural county, though stock-raising is pursued to a considerable extent. The Lockhart springs, about 20 in number, are at the county seat. The chief productions in 1870 were 120,965 bushels of Indian corn, 12,039 of sweet pota- toes, and 1,692 bales of cotton. There were 3,842 horses, 3,331 milch cows, 16,824 other cattle, 4,234 sheep, and 7,784 swine. Capital, Lockhart. IV. A W. county of Kentucky, bounded N. E. by an affluent of the Ohio river ; area, about 350 sq. m. ; pop. in 1870, 10,826, of whom 2,078 were colored. The surface is generally level ; there are pasture lands scat- tered over the -county; iron ore is abundant, and a large bed of coal has been opened in the northern part. The Elizabethtown and Padu- cah railroad will pass through the county. The chief productions in 1870 were 56,847 bushels of wheat, 438,660 of Indian corn, 26,667 of oats, 18,727 Ibs. of wool, and 2,221,899 of tobacco. There were 2,377 horses, 1,275 mules and asses, 2,010 milch cows, 3,103 other cattle, 9,226 sheep, and 14,092 swine. Capital, Princeton. V. A N. W. county of Missouri, intersected by Shoal creek, and having a flat surface and a rich soil; area, 435 sq. m. ; pop. in 1870, 11,- 390, of whom 284 were colored. The Hanni- bal and St. Joseph railroad passes through the N. part. The chief productions in 1870 were 104,130 bushels of wheat, 728,121 of Indian corn, 217,040 of oats, 59,872 of potatoes, 6,745 tons of hay, 206,150 Ibs. of butter, and 36,374 of wool. There were 5,212 horses, 3,571 milch cows, 7,391 other cattle, 12,806 sheep, and 15,903 swine. Capital, Kingston. CALDWELL, a post village, capital of Warren county, N. Y., 52 m. N. of Albany ; pop. in 1870, 1,041. It stands in the midst of a pictu- resque region at the S. end of Lake George, and is much visited by tourists. A steamboat plies between it and the outlet of the lake. It contains the ruins of Fort George, memorable in the French and revolutionary wars ; and the Fort William Henry hotel, on the site of the old fort of that name, is one of the largest in the United States. CALDWELL, Charles, an American physician, born in Caswell co., N. C., May 14, 1772, died in Louisville, Ky., July 9, 1853. He was the son of an emigrant Irish officer. In 1792 he went to Philadelphia, and joined the medical classes of the university. Here he applied him- self earnestly to study and practice, and during the yellow fever of 1793 distinguished himself by ability, courage, and zeal. He acted as surgeon to a brigade during the whiskey in- surrection. In 1795 he published a translation of Blumenbach's "Elements of Physiology," from the Latin. He succeeded Nicholas Bid- die as editor of the "Port Folio," and in 1816 edited Cullen's " Practice of Physic," while at the same time he filled the chair of natural history in the university of Pennsylvania. In 1819 he published the " Life and Campaigns of General Greene," and soon after became professor of medicine and clinical practice at the Transylvania university, Lexington, Ky. In 1820 he made a tour in Europe to purchase books and philosophical apparatus for that in- stitution. In 1837 he established in the city of Louisville a medical institute, but, in conse- quence of a misunderstanding with the trustees, was removed from office in 1849. He passed his latter days in Louisville, engaged in the composition of his autobiography, which ap- peared after his 'death. His works also include " Memoirs of the Rev. Dr. Horace Holley," and "Bachtiar Nameh, or the Royal Foundling, a Persian Tale, translated from the Arabic." CALDWELL, James, an American clergyman, born in Charlotte co., Va., in April, 1734, killed at Elizabethtown, N. J., Nov. 24, 1781. He graduated at the college of New Jersey in 1759, and in 17C2 became pastor of the Presby- terian church in Elizabethtown. He zealously espoused the revolutionary cause, and did much to incite and sustain the spirit of resist- ance. He was appointed chaplain in the New Jersey brigade, and became the special object of hatred to the tories in that state. In 1780 his church and residence were burned by a marauding party of British troops and tories. Later in the same year, during an incursion of British forces from Staten Island, the village of Connecticut Farms, where his family were