Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume III.djvu/614

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608 CALIFORNIA amount of domestic gold and silver from Cali- fornia deposited for coinage at the United j States mint and branches to June 30, 1872, was $643,121,449, of which $642,965,026 was gold and $156,423 silver. The total amount of gold from California deposited at the United States mint and branches and assay offices du- ring the year ending June 30, 1872, was $6,892,- 377 ; silver, $75,462. In 1871 there were built in San Francisco 17 vessels of 2,249 tons, of which 12 were sailing vessels, 4 steamers, and 1 barge. There is an extensive navy yard on Mare island, in San Pablo bay, 28 m. above San Francisco, which is the only United States navy yard on the Pacific coast. The com- merce of California is mainly carried on through The total shipments of domestic commodities from San Francisco to New York via the isthmus of Panama amounted to $2,060,281, including 5,390,873 Ibs. of wool, valued at $1,116,375; and the foreign, chiefly teas, furs, and skins, $100,825 ; while the shipments from New. York to San Francisco by this route were valued at $9,391,607. Shipments of merchan- dise from San Francisco since 1848 have ave- raged about $7,250,000 a year, and the trea- sure about $43,000,000, making a total yearly average of $50,225,000. The shipments of merchandise from San Francisco over the Cen- tral Pacific railroad for the first 10 months of 1871, and the corresponding period of the pre- ceding year, were : in the state. The number of vessels which ARTICLES. 1870. 1871. entered and cleared during the year euumg Tea Ibs . . 1,712,271 18.255.716 June 30, 1871, w ,'13

22.560 Mt .Vi7 Silk, Ibs 110,686 782,949 CLASSES. ENTERED. CLEARED. Wine, gallons Wool, Ibs 1,011,812 6,679,864 1,692.210 15,970,884 No. Tom. No. Tom. Salmon. Ibs 852,219 99,322 802,299 146,071 FOREIGN POETS. 870,620 888,809 A ' 1 177 82 886 246 150021 45,526 125,567 158 106875 158 98 666 Quicksilver Ibs 187,184 Amer. ocean steamers . . . 68 161,610 M 153^78 Whale oil, gallons 627,587 Foreign " " 8 2,622 4 2,691 COASTWISE. Cod fishing along the Pacific coast N. of San Bl 52,174 57 57,276 TVnrtpispn iq pxtpns;ivfilv r 121 82 92,198 5,802 148 28 66,700 5,764 from that port. In 1870 the number of ves- Fisheries aola &Tifrftrraf i ' QQ IHfl 1 fiali r,li- Total 610 508,667 702 539,992 tained, 10,612,000; value, $754,840. From 1864 to 1870 inclusive 80,958,400 Ibs. of salted The whole number of v< jssels registered, en- fish were obtained, valued at $2,457,414. Four rolled, and licensed was 926, of 133,300 tons, vessels of 853 tons were engaged in tho whale including 720 sailing and 143 steam vessels and fishery in 1870. In 1860 there were but 23 63 barges. The total value of imports from miles of railroad in the state, but since then foreign countries was $20,384,907; domestic the progress in their construction has been exports, $20,791,414 ; foreign exports, $2,856,- rapid. The number of miles in 1865 was 214 ; 116. The most important articles of import, in 1870, 925 ; and in 1873, 1,130. Ine most with their values. were: silver coin, $3,567,- important railroad is the Central Pacific, ex- 132; 44,582,721 Ibs. of brown sugar, $2,227,- tending from San Francisco to Ogden, Utah, 021; 11,392,825 of cofiee, $1,270,245; 398,191 where it joins the Union Pacific ; 262 miles of of raw silk, $2,053,892; 3,612,751 of tea, $1,- this road lie in the state. Its construction was 233,729; 29,184,429 of rice, $824,544. The begun in February, 1863, at Sacramento, the chief domestic exports were 6,903,427 bushels portion between that city and San Francisco of wheat, valued at $7,080,510; 287,619 of having been built by another company. It barley, $162,107; 198,223 barrels of flour, was completed to the state line in January, $1,173,638; gold bullion,! (2,715,574 ; gold coin, 1868, and to Ogden in May, 1869. The sum- $2,502,482; silver bullion, $3, 077,256; and mit of the Sierra Nevada at the point crossed 993,920 Ibs. of quicksilver. Among the for- by this road is 7,042 ft. above the sea. The eign exports was $ ,2,316,990 silver coin. The most important of its branches is the Oregon chief countries represented in this commerce division, which will extend from Sacramento were: to the state line, where it will connect with the Oregon and California for Portland. The Southern Pacific will extend from San Fran- COUNTRIES. n nporU froa port* to porU to cisco to the Colorado river, opposite Arizona, Brazil $46,386 1.185.101 $187.256 298.627 $24,591 19.271 where it will meet the Atlantic and Pacific railroad from St. Louis, Mo. The San Fran- Central America China <*il'n 81 2771, sir. ] 719 S97 1 "KT +-"Urt*.T T*n/-ki England 8,269,868 n aiQ 01 ft 12,148,586 28,964 Saucelito on the bay of San Francisco, opposite Japan . . 1 873 858 985240 637 148 the city to Humboldt bay The Sacramento Mexico -UBl.'litt 676,255 944,891 1 658 014 155.377 41989 Valley railroad is the oldest in the state, having Peru Russia 1,875,493 been in operation since 1856. The railroads Sandwich Islands 901,114 604,424 41,509 in operation at the beginning of 1873 were :