Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume III.djvu/800

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790 CARISS1MI CARLETON remaining portions are occupied as sheds imd stables. The village has nn infant school and several chapels for dissenters. The parish con- tains infantry barracks, a house of industry, a juvenile reformatory, and some corn mills on the Medina river. CARISSIMI, Giovanni Giaeomo, an Italian composer, born in Venice near the close of the 16th century, died about 1674. He was for a number of years director of the pontifical chapel at Rome, and at his death left a large number of compositions, consisting mostly of oratorios, masses, and cantatas. The publica- tion of his oratorios was commenced in 1872. We are indebted to him for orchestral accom- paniments to sacred music, and for great im- provements in the recitative. He was also one of the first to write cantatas. His melodies are distinguished by grace and spirit, and his harmony is effective. His style, perfected by his pupils Bononcini, Bassani, and Scarlatti, is considered the foundation of the music of the 18th century. CiRLEE, or Karli, a village of Hindostan, in the collectorate of Poonah, presidency of Bom- bay, 40 m. E. of Bombay. It is remarkable Cave Tempje at Carlee. for a Buddhist cave temple, hewn from the face of a precipice, about two thirds of the way up a steep hill which rises 800 ft. above the plain. A noble arch spans the entrance to the exca- vation, and on each side of the door is a screen work, covered with naked male and female figures carved in alto-rilievo. In front are three lions placed back to back, on the top of a pillar; around the portico are several well executed figures of elephants of great size, each surmounted by a mohout and a howdah con- taining two persons. The length of the tem- ple is 130 ft., width 40 ft. The interior has a double row of sculptured pillars, terminating in a semicircle, and with its high arched roof is not unlike that of a Gothic cathedral. Near I it are several smaller excavations, apparently ! intended as cells for hermits. These are dilapi- dated, but the temple is well preserved. The only object of devotion to be seen is the mys- tical chattah or umbrella. ( llti.KV Emilia Schmidt Flygare, a Swedish novelist, born at Stromstad, Aug. 8, 1807. In 1827 she was married to a physician named Flygare, was left a widow in 1833, and in 1841 became the wife of J. G. Carl6n, a lawyer of Stockholm, also known as a poet and novelist. Her first novel, "Waldemar Klein," was pub- lished anonymously in 1838. She has since written more than 30 works, the greater part of which have been translated into English, French, and German. The following are some of the best known : " The Birthright," " Gus- tavus Lindorm," "The Hermit," "Twelve Months of Matrimony," " The Rose of Thistle Island," "The Lover's Stratagem," " Home in the Valley," "The Maiden's Tower," "Marie Louise," "Woman's Life," "The Temptations of Wealth," " A Brilliant Marriage," and "The Professor." Her subjects are usually chosen from the lower ranks of Swedish society, and she is distinguished more for accurate delineation of real life than for imaginative- power. CARLETON. I. An eastern county of On- tario, Canada, bounded N. by the Ottawa river and intersected by the Rideau river; area, 647 sq. m.-; pop. in 1871, 21,739, of whom 16,- 774 were of Irish origin or descent. It is trav- ersed by a railroad con- necting Ottawa with Prescott on the St. Lawrence, and by the Rideau canal from N. to S. The county con- tains valuable timber and much grand scen- ery. At Ottawa, in the Ottawa river, are the Chaudiere falls (see OTTAWA), below which the river is spanned by a suspension bridge connecting the prov- inces of Ontario and Quebec. There are also two falls in the Rideau river at Ottawa. Lumber forms the chief industry. Capital, Ottawa. II. A western county of New Bruns- wick, Canada, bounded W. by the state of Maine, and watered by the river St. John and its numerous tributaries ; area, 3,008 sq. m. ; pop. in 1871, 19,938. The surface presents many irregularities, the elevations sometimes rising into mountains. On the secondary banks of the rivers there are broad stretches called in- tervales. The forests are exceedingly fine, and have been largely drawn upon for timber for ship building and export. Capital, Woodstock.