Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume III.djvu/9

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Among the Contributors of New Articles to the Third Volume of t/te Revised Edition are the following : WILLARD BAKTLETT. BOHBAT. BORNEO. BUBMAH. CALCUTTA. Prof. 0. W. BENNETT, D.D., Syracuse Uni- versity. BOND, THOMAS EMERSON. BUNTING, JABEZ. JULIUS BING. BONAPABTE FAMILY, BOSSUET, BUNSKN, BARON VON, and other articles in biography and geography. DELAVAN BLOODGOOD, M. D., U. S. N. BUCHANAN, FRANKLIN. FKANCIS 0. BOWMAN, Esq. BOYCE, WILLIAM. BRAHMS, JOHANNES. WILLIAM T. BRIGBAM, Esq., Boston. BREADFRUIT, BUCKTHORN, and other botanical articles. EDWARD L. BUHLINOAME, Ph. I). BOTHWELL, EARL OP, BRASIDAS, and articles in history and biography. W. BRYAN OLAEK, Springfield, Mass. BOWLES, SAMUEL. Prof. E. H. CLARKE, M. D., Harvard University. BBOMIDES, CALABAR BEAN, CALOMEL, CAMPHOR, and other articles of materia medica. Hon. T. M. COOLEY, LL. D., Ann Arbor, Mich. BOND, BRIBERY, CABINET. and other legal articles. Prof. J. C. DALTON, M. D. BOTALLL, LEONARDO, BRAINARD, DANIEL, BRIGHT, RICHARD, CANCER, CAPILLARY VESSELS. and various medical and physiological articles. EATON S. DRONE. BOSTON, MASS., BROOKLYN, N. Y., CALIFORNIA, CAMBRIDGE, MASS., and other articles in American geography. B. A. FlNKELSTEIN. BULGARIA. CALIPH. CALMUCKB. Prof. AUSTIN FLINT, M. D. BRAIN, DISEASES OF TUB. BRONCHITIS. ALFRED H. GUERNSEY. BOOK. BULL RUN. BATTLES OF. BYRON, LORD. CABALA. CAPE COLONY. CARLYLE, THOMAS. J. W. HAWES. BURLINGTON, N. J. and Iowa, CALAIS, Me., CALIFORNIA, LOWER, and other articles in American geography. CHARLES L. HOGEBOOM, M. D. BREWING. BUTTER. CAMERA. CANAL. CAOUTCHOUC. B. F. ISHERWOOD, late Chief Engineer U. S. N. BRASS. BBONZE. Prof. C. A. JOY, Ph. D., Columbia College, New York. BORAX, BROMINE, CADMIUM, CARBOLIC ACID, CARBON DISULPHIDE, and other chemical articles. Prof. S. KNEELAND, M. D., Mass. Tech. Inst., Boston. BONE CAVES, BRACHIOPODA, CAMEL, and other articles in natural history. J. N. LARNED, Buffalo, N. Y. BUFFALO, N. Y. CHARLES LINDSEY, Toronto. CANADA, DOMINION OF, BRITISH COLUMBIA, and other articles in Canadian geography. W. MATTHEWS. BOOKBINDING. JOHN MITOHEL. BREHON LAWS. Col. WILLIAM H. PAINE, Asst. Engineer East River Bridge. CAISSON. Prof. THOMAS T. SABINE, M. D. CARIES. JOHN G. SHEA, LL. D. CALIFORNIA, INDIANS OF. CANADIAN INDIANS. Prof. J. A. SPENCER, D. D., College of the City of New York. BOONE, WILLIAM JONES, D. D. BRAY, THOMAS. BROWNE, EDWABD HAROLD, D. D. BURGESS, GEORGE, D. D. P. H. VANDER WEYDE, M. D. CALORIC ENGINE. I. DE VEITELLE. BOLIVIA, BRAZIL, BUENOS AYBES, and other articles in South American geography. C. S. WEYMAN. BOUTWELL, GEORGE SEWALL. BROWN, JOHN, an American Abolitionist. Prof. W. D. WHITNEY, LL. D., Yale College. BRAHMA. Gen. JAMBS HARBISON WILSON. Bnmr, K. BRIDGE, MILITARY. CANNON.