Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume IV.djvu/11

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Among the Contributors of New Articles to the Fourth Volume of the Revised Edition are the following : WILLARD BAETLETT. CELEBES. COANZA. Prof. C. W. BENNETT, D. D., Syracuse Uni- versity. CARTWRIGHT, PETER. CLARK, DAVIS WASGATT, D. D. CLARKE, ADAM, LL. D. JULIUS BING. CERVANTES, CHRISTIAN IV., King of Denmark, and other articles in history and geography. LOEIN BLODGET, Philadelphia. CLIMATE. FRANCIS C. BOWMAN. CLEMENTL, Muzio. T. S. BBADFORD, Washington. COAST SURVEY. WILLIAM T. BRIGHAM, Esq., Boston. COCOANUT TREE, and other botanical articles. EDWARD L. BUELINGAME, Ph. D. CASSANDEB, CATO, CELTS, CHARLES V., Emperor, CLEOPATRA, and other articles in history, biography, and geog- raphy. ROBERT CARTER. CHEOPS, and other articles in history, biography, and geog- raphy. JOHN R. CHAMBEELIN, Cincinnati. CINCINNATI. JOHN D. CHAMPLIN, Jr. CHILI, CHINCHA ISLANDS, CHIQUITOS, COAHUILA, and other geographical articles. Prof. E. H. CLARKE, M. D., Harvard University. CATHARTICS, CAUSTICS, CINCHONA, and other articles of materia medica. E. COLBERT, Chicago. CHICAGO. Hon. T. M. COOLEY, LL. D., Ann Arbor, Mich. CHANCELLOR, CHANCERY, and other legal articles. S. H. DADDOW, St. Clair, Pa. COAL (beds of). Prof. J. C. DALTON, M. D. CELL, CHYLE, CIRCULATION, and various medical and physiological articles. EATON S. DRONE. CENSUS, CHARLESTON, S. C., and other articles in American geography. W. M. FERRISS. CASSINI, FAMILY OF. B. A. FlNKELSTELN. ClRCASSIA. Prof. AUSTIN FLINT, M. D. CHLOROSIS. ALFRED H. GUERNSEY. CHANCELLOBSVILLE, BATTLE OF. CHICKAHOMINY. CHIVALRY. CHRONOLOGY. J. W. HAWKS. CHABLESTOWN, Mass. CLEVELAND, O., COD FISHING, and other articles in American geography. CHAELES L. HOGEBOOM, M. D. CASTING. CEMENTS. CHEESE. CLOCKS AND WATCHES. Prof. C. A. JOY, Ph. D., Columbia College, New York. CHLORAL, CHLORINE, CHLOROFORM, and other chemical and mineralogical articles. Prof. S. KNEELAND, M. D., Mass. Tech. Inst., Boston. CATERPILLAR FUNGUS, CEPHALOPODA, CHIPMUNK, and other articles in natural history. Prof. LEO LESQUEREUX, Columbus, 0. COAL (geology of). COAL PLANTS. CHARLES LINDSEY, Toronto. CARON, RENE EDOUARD. CABTIER, SIR GEORGE TIENNE. JAMES MACFARLANE, Ph. D., Towanda, Pa. COAL (distribution of). JOHN MITCHEL. CELTS, LANGUAGES AND LITERATURE OF THE. Rev. FRANKLIN NOBLE. CHANTREY, SIR FRANCIS. CHARLES I. AND II. (England). CHAUMETTE, PIERRE GASPABD. CHERUB. Rev. BERNARD O'REILLY, D. D. CHRYSOSTOM, JOHN, CLEMENT. POPES, and other articles in ecclesiastical history. J. C. PETERS, M. D. CHOLERA. BERNARD ROELKER. CIVIL LAW. Prof. A. J. SCHEM. CENTRAL PROVINCES, and other geographical articles. G. F. SEWARD, Consul General, Shanghai. CHINA. JOHN G. SHEA, LL. D. CAYUGAS. CHEROKEES. CHEYENNES. CHICKASAWS. CHOCTAWS. Prof. J. A. SPENCER, D. D., College of the City of New York. CHASE, PHILANDER, D. D. I. DE VEITELLE. CARTAGENA. CATAMABCA. CAYENNE. CEARA. CHACO, EL GRAN. CHIHUAHUA. Gen. JAMES GRANT WILSON. CHAMBERS, WILLIAM AND ROBERT. Gen. JAMES HARRISON WILSON. CAVALRY. Rev. A. WYLIE, D. D., China. CHINA, LANGUAGE AND LITEBATUBE OF.