Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume IV.djvu/113

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CATECHISM CATEL 105 CATECHISM (Gr. narrixiofibs, instruction), in a general and modern sense, an elementary text book of any science or art. More commonly, however, it means a text book for the instruc- tion of the catechumens and children of a par- ish or congregation in the doctrines of the church, or the moral precepts of Christianity. The original form of this instruction was oral, by question and answer. The practice was to gather those who needed instruction into some suitable place, and there persons qualified either held disputations or delivered dogmatic lec- tures, and then questioned the hearers upon what had been said. It is probable that the early catechists followed no set forms, but en- deavored, by catechising their hearers, to awa- ken a train of thought, and then followed it whithersoever it might lead. But when the doctrinal theology of the church became more strictly defined, catechetical instruction became more dogmatic. These compends have of course varied with the variations of theological opin- ion in different ages and communions. A for- mula of doctrine, the Catechismus Romanus, was drawn up by order of the council of Trent, and published at Borne in 1566, under the sanction of Pope Pius V., and was subsequently approved by special bulls and adopted by vote of provincial synods in various Catholic coun- tries. It was ordered that it should be faith- fully translated into the vernacular languages, and expounded to the people by all pastors. But it was designed as a directory for the use of the clergy rather than as a system of popular instruction. It was not originally in the form of question and answer, though some later edi- tions are in that shape. In common use in va- rious parts of the Catholic world were the cate- chisms drawn up by Canisius (1554 and 1566), by Bellarmin (1603), and by Bossuet (1687). A catechism designated as Schema de Parvo, es- sentially that of Bellarmin, was decreed by the oecumenical council at Rome in 1870, its object being to provide a common catechism for the whole church. Strictly speaking, the Greek church has no authorized catechism ; but that of Mogilas, metropolitan of Kiev (1642), was in 1672 recognized as a standard by a synod at Jerusalem. The principal Protestant catechisms are those of Luther (1529) and Calvin (1536) ; the Heidelberg catechism (1562), on the basis of which the Zurich catechism was drawn up (1639) for*the Reformed church of Germany; that of the Socinians, published at Rakow (1574 and 1608); that of the English church, the work probably of Cranmer (1549), with the ex- ception of that part which relates to the sacra- ments, which was added by Bishop Overall in the first year of James I., after the conference of Hampton court ; and that of the Westmin- ster assembly, longer and shorter (1643), which serves as a basis for the Galvinistic and Pres- byterian churches both of Great Britain and the United States. There are many mediaeval writings and documents bearing the name of catechisms, which if collected together would form a work similar to the collections already made of old liturgies and hymns. The private or individual catechisms of German theologians are numerous, and many of them voluminous, thus departing from the primitive idea of the Christian catechism as an instrument for popu- lar and elemental instruction. CATECHU, an extract of the inner wood of the acacia catechu, a small tree which grows abun- dantly in the East Indies. The drug had long been in use before its origin was discovered. It is prepared by cutting off the exterior wood, and boiling the dark-colored chips of the inte- rior of the trunk in water. The solution is then evaporated to the consistence of sirup, when it is dried in the sun in the form of flat cakes, or moulded by pouring it into earthen vessels. There are many varieties, some of which probably never reach this country. That common in our markets is the preparation above described, and is imported from Calcutta. Acacia catechu. The pale catechu of the British pharmacopoeia, or gambir, is probably the substance formerly called terra japonica, and is the product of an- other tree, the uncaria gambir, of the family rubiacece. Catechu contains from 33 to 55 per cent, of that variety of tannic acid vrhich pre- cipitates the persalts of iron of a greenish black. Catechuic acid, in some respects resembling gallic acid, is found both in the dark and pale catechu. Catechu is used in dyeing and tan- ning under the name of cutch. It is used in medicine, in substance and tincture, as an as- tringent. It is said to be slightly tonic. CATEL, Franz, a German artist, born in Ber- lin, Feb. 22, 1778, died in Rome, Dec. 19, 1856. His early works were designs for illustrated al- manacs, and he first acquired reputation by his illustrations of Goethe's Hermann und Doro- thea. He went to Paris in 1807, where he was led to abandon water colors and begin paint- ing in oil. At this time, however, he designed