Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume IV.djvu/147

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CAUVET was the son of a clergyman, studied at the Charterhouse, London, and at Addiscorabe, en- tered the Bengal artillery in 1819, and served in Oude (1820-'21), and at the siege of Bhurt- pore (1825-'6). He was subsequently era- ployed in the department of public works in India, and acquired eminence by projecting and completing the Ganges canal (1848-'54). He was knighted after his return to England in 1854, became a member of the Indian council in 1858, and chairman of its committee on pub- lic works in 1859. He presented to the Brit- ish museum a large collection of fossil mam- malia, and wrote much on Hindoo palaeontol- ogy and on kindred topics for the periodicals of scientific societies. CAUVET, Gilles Paul, a French sculptor and architect, born at Aix, Provence, April 17, 1731, died in Paris, Nov. 15, 1788. He belong- ed to a rich family and was destined for the law, but indulging his taste for artistic pursuits against the wishes of his parents, he fled to Paris, where he eventually acquired profession- al eminence. He published in 1777 Becueil d 1 ornaments a Vusage des jeunes artistes qui se destinent a la decoration des bdtiments. CAVA, a city of Italy, in the province of Salerno, 26 m. S. E. of Naples ; pop. in 1872, 19,480. It is the seat of a bishop, suffragan to the pope, and has a cathedral, several other churches, and a convent for gentlewomen. The district is unproductive, but the town flourishes by commerce and by manufactories of silk, cotton, and wool. About one mile from Cava is the celebrated Benedictine mon- astery of La Trinita di Cava, whose archives contain 40,000 parchment rolls and upward of 60,000 MSS. on paper, 1,600 papal diplomas and bulls, and many rare early printed books. The library also formerly contained a rich col- lection of MSS., but many of them have been lost or removed. CAVAIGNAC. I. Jean Baptlste, a French rev- olutionist, born at Gordon in 1762, died in Brussels, March 24, 1829. In 1792 he was elected to the national convention, where he voted for the death of Louis XVI. As commis- sioner to the army in La Vendee, and afterward to that in the Pyrenees, he gave evidence of energy and talent. He took part with the Thermidoreans against Robespierre, and was sent on a third mission to the army of the Rhine and Moselle. On the 1st Prairial (May 20), 1795, he commanded the troops who vainly attempted to protect the convention against the insurgents. On the 13th Vende"- miaire (Oct. 5) he was assistant to Barras and Bonaparte in repelling the attack by the sec- tions. For a short time he was a member of the council of 500. In 1806 he entered the service of Joseph Bonaparte at Naples, and was continued under Murat. In 1815, during the hundred days, he was prefect of the Somme. On the second restoration, he was expelled from France as a regicide, and took up his residence in Brussels, where he lived in ob- CAVAIGNAC 139 scurity. II. Kleonorc Lonls Codefroy, a French journalist, son of the preceding, born in Paris in 1801, died May 5, 1845. He was one of the most popular leaders of the republican party during the restoration and the reign of Louis Philippe. He distinguished himself in the revolution of July, but upon the elevation of Louis Philippe to the throne he took part in the conspiracy for the overthrow of the new dynasty, and was several times arrested and put on trial. He was one of the founders of the societe des amis du peuple. and of the societe des droits de Vhomme. After the outbreak of April, 1834, he was arrested and sent to prison, but escaped, July 13, 1835, and retired to Bel- gium. In 1841 he returned to France, and be- came one of the editors of the Heforme, the most violent of the opposition journals. III. Louis Eugene, a French general, brother of the pre- ceding, born in Paris, Oct. 15, 1802, died at his country seat, Chateau Ournes, department of Sarthe, Oct. 28, 1857. He was educated at the polytechnic school, entered the army as sub-lieutenant of engineers, took part in the French expedition to the Morea, and was appointed to a captaincy in 1829. .On the revolution of 1830 he declared for the new order of things, but soon entered the association nationale, an organization of the opposition, in consequence of which he was for a while discharged from active service. In 1832 he was sent to Africa. Being intrusted in 1836 with the command of Tlemcen, he held this ad- vanced fortified post for three years against the assaults of the Arabs. In 1839, his health having been impaired, he asked to be placed on leave ; he was then a major. A few months later he returned to Africa, where his defence of Cherchell was no less brilliant than that of Tlemcen. In 1840 he was promoted to the colonelcy of the zouaves, and in 1844 he was made brigadier general and governor of the province of Oran. On the revolution of Feb- ruary, 1848, he was appointed governor gen- eral of Algeria, and promoted to the rank of general of division. The same year he was elected to the constituent assembly, and was allowed to leave Algeria to take his seat as a representative. He reached Paris two days after the disturbance of May 15, and was im- mediately appointed minister of war. In a few weeks 75,000 regular troops were gathered within the walls, while 190,000 national guards were ready to support them against the threat- ened rising of the working classes. Yet the in- surrection broke out on the dissolution of the ateliers nationaux. On June 22 barricades were erected in the most central parts of the city. Cavaignac concentrated his troops in order finally to bear on the principal points with irresistible force. The assembly having invested him with dictatorial powers, the struggle commenced June 23, and was con- tinued with internecine fury for 70 hours, re- sulting in a complete government victory. On June 29 Cavaignac resigned his dictatorship,