Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume IV.djvu/317

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lection of his military writings was published in Vienna.

CHARLES (Karl Theodor Maximilian August), prince of Bavaria and grand prior of the order of Malta, a German soldier, born in Munich, July 7, 1795. He is a son of King Maximilian I. by his first wife Wilhelmine Auguste of Hesse-Darmstadt. He fought against Napoleon at the battle of Hanau (1813), became a general of division, and took part in the campaign of 1814. His differences with Prince Wrede led to his retirement from 1822 till some time after the latter's death in 1838, when his brother King Louis I. appointed him field marshal and general inspector of the army. In the Austro-Prussian war of 1866 he was commander-in-chief of the 7th and 8th corps of the Bavarian army, which coöperated with the Austrian, after which he retired from the public service.

CHARLES I., prince of Roumania, born in Prussia, April 20, 1839. He is a son of Prince Anthony of Hohenzollern, and a brother of Prince Leopold, who was proposed for the Spanish throne in 1870, and belongs to a junior and mediatized branch of the Prussian royal family. He was educated in Dresden, entered the Prussian army in 1857, and served during the Schleswig-Holstein campaign in 1864. After Couza's downfall in 1866, and the refusal of the count of Flanders, brother of Leopold II. of Belgium, to become the ruler of Roumania, Prince Charles was elected in April to that position, with hereditary rights, by a plebiscite of the Roumanian people. He reached Bucharest on May 20, in disguise, in order to avoid complications with Austria, which, on the eve of war with Prussia, had protested against the elevation of a Prussian to the sovereignty of the Danubian principalities. He assumed the government on May 22, and was formally recognized on Oct. 24 by the sultan and by the other powers, who had guaranteed the treaties relating to the status of Roumania. Disgusted with the factious spirit of the opposition in the chambers, and insulting anti-Prussian manifestations during the Franco-German war, he declared in 1871 his readiness to resign, but was persuaded to desist from this determination.

CHARLES AUGUSTUS, grand duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, born Sept. 3, 1757, died June 14, 1828. Having lost his father in the first year of his life, he was very carefully educated together with his posthumous brother, Frederick Ferdinand Constantine, under the regency of his young mother, who in the first year after the death of her husband was herself still under the guardianship of her father. Upon the recommendation of Frederick the Great she appointed as their governor the count of Görtz, afterward Prussian minister, giving them as teachers Seidler and Hermann, Wieland and Knebel, while Schmid conducted the affairs of the little state through the difficulties of the seven years' war. In December, 1774, Charles Augustus together with his brother entered upon a journey to France and Switzerland, during which he made the acquaintance of Goethe, who became his friend, and afterward his minister. Having been declared reigning duke by his mother on his 18th birthday, he married Louisa, princess of Hesse-Darmstadt, and continued the liberal and reformatory government of his mother, gathering around him at Weimar a circle of distinguished men, among whom were Goethe, Herder, Wieland, and Schiller. In 1786 he took service in the Prussian army, was in the campaigns of 1792-'3 on the Rhine as volunteer, was made Prussian lieutenant general in l797, and remained in service till after the battle of Jena (1806), when he retired to his dukedom and joined the Rhenish confederacy. His soldiers now fought for Napoleon in Tyrol, Spain, and Russia. Having gone over to the coalition in 1813, he entered the Russian service in the following year, and led an army of Saxons, Hessians, and Russians into the Netherlands. He then went to Paris, London, and Vienna, and took part in the campaign of 1815. The congress of Vienna rewarded him by enlarging his state, and erecting it into a grand duchy, besides granting him a compensation of 800,000 thalers. He was the first of the German princes to introduce the promised constitutional representation (1816), and allowed freedom to the press, until he was induced to adopt restrictive measures by the complications that followed the great gathering at the Wartburg in 1817. He died of apoplexy at Graditz, near Torgau, on his return from Berlin. Several scientific and agricultural institutions, a park, and a botanical garden are among the improvements with which he adorned his country.

CHARLES DE BLOIS, or de Châtillon, duke of Brittany, died in 1364. He was the nephew of Philip VI. of France, who, anxious to secure his fortune, married him to Jeanne de Penthièvre, heiress apparent to the ducal crown of Brittany. But on the death of John III., in 1341, the claim of Jeanne was disputed by John of Montfort, brother of the deceased, who asserted that Brittany could not revert to female sovereigns. Thence arose a war of 20 years' duration, in which the kings of England and of France participated, the former giving assistance to Montfort, while the latter supported Charles de Blois. His cause at first promised to be successful; his competitor died about 1345, whereupon Jeanne of Montfort came boldly forward in behalf of her young son, and displayed such courage, inspired her followers with such enthusiasm, and obtained such assistance from the chivalry of England, that fortune at last declared for her. Charles was killed in battle, and the duchy of Brittany was awarded to young Montfort.

CHARLES THE BOLD, duke of Burgundy, son of Philip the Good and Isabella of Portugal, born at Dijon, Nov. 10, 1433, killed in battle near Nancy, Jan. 5, 1477. On the day of his baptism he was created count of Charolais. In infancy