Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume IV.djvu/347

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CHATTAHOOCHEE CHATTELS 339 to form the Appalachicola ; length about 550 m. It is navigable for steamboats to Columbus, 300 in. from the gulf of Mexico. CHATTAII90CHEE, a S. W. county of Georgia, bounded N. by Upotoy creek, and separated from Alabama on the W. by the river; area, 250 sq[. m. ; pop. in 1870, 6,059, of whom 3,405 .were colored. The surface is somewhat diversified. The chief productions in 1870 were 2,331 bushels of wheat, 107,453 of Indian corn, 16,136 of sweet potatoes, and 4,374 bales of cotton. There were 235 horses, 781 mules and asses, 896 milch cows, 2,042 other cattle, and 4,737 swine. Capital, Cusseta. CHATTANOOGA, a city and the capital of Hamilton co., Tennessee, at the base of Lookout mountain, near where the S. boundary of the state touches Alabama and Georgia; pop. in 1870, 6,093, of whom 2,221 were colored. It is on the Tennessee river, 250 m. by water from Knoxville, and 150 m. S. E. of Nashville. The river is navigable by steamboats eight months of the year, and by small boats at all times. The Nashville and Chattanooga, East Tennessee and Georgia, Alabama and Chatta- nooga, and Western and Atlantic railroads connect here. There are two national banks, with $470,000 capital, and a discount and de- posit bank. It is the shipping point for most of the surplus productions of East and of a por- tion of Middle Tennessee, and contains a num- ber of mills and factories. The surrounding country is supplied with water power, well wooded, and rich in coal and iron. During the civil war Chattanooga was an important stra- tegic point for the operations in eastern Ten- nessee and Georgia. After the engagement at Stone River, near Murfreesboro (Dec. 26, 1862, to Jan. 2, 1863), the confederates, under Bragg, fell back to Chattanooga, which they abandoned Sept. 8, upon the approach of Rose- crans. The confederates, being reenforced by Longstreet's division from the army of Vir- ginia, manoeuvred to drive Rosecrans from Chattanooga, while he attempted to force them from their threatening position in the neigh- borhood. The result was the battle of Chick- amauga, fought Sept. 19, 20, about 12 m. S. W. of Chattanooga. (See CHIOKAMAUGA.) After his repulse, Rosecrans continued to oc- cupy Chattanooga, but was superseded (Oct. 19) by Thomas, and Grant was placed in com- mand of the military division of the Mississippi, comprising the four departments commanded by Sherman, Thomas, Hooker, and Burnside. Bragg had despatched Longstreet to operate against Burnside near Knoxville, and mean- while, by commanding the lines of supply, held Thomas practically besieged at Chattanooga. Grant reached Chattanooga Oct. 23, and at once formed plans for raising the siege. By a series of successful operations the lines of sup- ply were opened, and soon after the middle of November the Union force at Chattanooga was raised to about 80,000, while the confederates had not more than 50,000. Grant now re- solved to force the enemy from his command- ing position, which lay in a semicircular form on the heights overlooking Chattanooga, Look- out mountain being on the south and Mission- ary ridge on the east. The operations began Nov. 23, when the confederate picket line was forced back, and favorable positions secured. On the morning of the 24th Hooker with 10,- 000 men was sent to assail the confederate left, strongly posted on the Tennessee upon the slopes of Lookout mountain. A dense fog covered the sides, concealing the movement from the enemy ; and the confederates, taken by surprise, abandoned the position, with a loss of 2,000 prisoners. Hooker's force en- camped for the night upon the upper part of the slope which they had won. This engage- ment is generally designated as the battle of Lookout mountain, sometimes as the battle above the clouds. Sherman was ordered on the morning of the 25th to assault the con- federate centre and right, which occupied a long line on the heights of Missionary ridge, in a position so strong, that, as Bragg says, "though greatly outnumbered, no doubt was entertained of our ability to hold it, and every disposition was made for that purpose." Sev- eral determined attacks were repelled ; but late in the afternoon three divisions of Thom- as's army, under Sheridan, T. J. Wood, and Baird, stormed the ridge and broke the con- federate line, when, says Bragg, " the enemy, having secured much of our artillery, soon availed themselves of our panic, and, turning our guns upon us, enfiladed our lines both right and left, rendering them wholly untenable. For- tunately it was now near nightfall, and the coun- try and the roads in our rear were fully known to us, but unknown to the enemy. The routed left made its way back in great disorder. After informing myself of the full condition of aifairs, it was decided to put the army in motion for a point further removed from a powerful and victorious army, that we might have some time to replenish and recuperate for another strug- gle." This action is generally known as the battle of Missionary ridge. The confederates were pursued for a space on the 26th. The Union loss during the three days was 5,616, of whom 757 were killed, 4,529 wounded, and 330 missing. The confederate loss in killed and wounded was smaller, probably not more than 4,000 ; but 6,142 prisoners were taken, together with 40 guns and 7,000 stand of small arms. The results of this action were on both sides recognized as of great importance. In effect, it put an end to the war in Tennessee for a year, when it was resumed there by Hood in the battles of Franklin and Nashville. CHATTELS (law Lat. catalla), a term used to designate personal property. This is of two kinds: chattels personal, including movable goods, as domestic animals, money, harvested crops, &c. ; and chattels real, under which term are included all interests in land which are less than freehold, that is to say, which are