Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume IV.djvu/409

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CHICAGO 401 RECEIPTS OF BREADSTUFFS. 1856. IsfiO. 1865. 1870. 1872. Wheat, bushels 7,585,097 14,927.088 9.266,410 17,894.409 12,724,141 8,682877 15,862,894 25.952,201 20,189,775 47,866,087 Oats, " 2,947,188 2,198,889 11.659.080 10,472,078 15,061,715 Eye " 68,168 818,976 1.194,884 1,098,493 1,129,086 2(11,895 617,619 1.774,189 8,885.653 5,251,750 Flour, barrels , 240,606 718,848 1,184,100 1,766,087 1,582,OU Total, bushels 20,867,702 87,285,027 54,950,114 60,432,574 88,426,842 SHIPMENTS OF BREADSTUFFS. 1855. 1860. 1865. 1870. 1872. Wheat, bushels 6,298,155 12,402,197 7,614.881 16,482,585 12.160,046 7,517,625 18,700,118 25,487,241 17,777,877 47,018.552 Oats, " 1,188,538 1.091,698 11,142,140 8,507,785 12,255,577 Ryfi " 19,320 156.642 999.2S9 918,629 776,805 92,011 267,449 607,484 2,584,692 5.032,808 168,419 698,182 1,293,428 1,705,977 1,861,828 TotaL bushels . . . 16,682.750 81,108,759 52,268,181 54,745,908 83,364,224 The grain is received and shipped in bulk. It is lifted into elevators from railroad cars by buckets running on an endless chain, and operated by powerful steam machinery, and emptied through spouts into the holds of ves- sels. In 1873 there were 15 elevator ware- houses, with an aggregate storing capacity of 12,800,000 bushels, in addition to several smaller storehouses. The capacity of the largest is 1,500,000 bushels; of the smallest, 200,000. Most of these elevators can each re- ceive and ship 100,000 bushels per day. The business is supervised, and the grain graded, by inspectors appointed by the state, and an accurate record of receipts and shipments is kept by a state registrar. Of the total re- ceipts in 1872, 8,017,865 bushels came by the Illinois and Michigan canal, 173,971 by lake, and the remainder, nine tenths of the whole, by railroad. The various lines by which the grain is sent to market are indicated in the following statement of shipments for 1872 : SHIPPED BY Flour, barrels. Wheat, bushels. Corn, bushels. Oats, bushels. Barley, bushels. Lake To Buffalo 140,844 6,511,143 81,989,979 4,502.729 2,285059 To Oswego 19,828 237,292 1,068.456 48,090 16,185 To Erie.. 800,390 154,587 645,012 6,795 2,020 490,397 56214 55,803 209,547 2,670.091 1,003,328 76,779 To Montreal 627 256,814 449,585 To Kingston ' 1,488 329 2,162,477 581,335 2,597,936 115,411 2,500 Total by Lake. 22-3,457 8,831 870 41 589 508 6 870 784 2,880 523 1201 206010 7064 Chicago and Northwestern Railway 21,262 119 675 27928 18.062 45.249 Illinois Central Railroad 89.528 111144 1.240 68,976 Chicago, Rock Island, -and Pacific Railroad 9872 203728 5714 1018 50.266 Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy Railroad 7,846 80402 18,8>7 14552 157 877 1 850 57.560 Michi"an Central Railroad 181 850 884 ('><)!> 2 Ofi6 722 2 953 791 558,815 Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne, and Chicago Railway... . Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, and St. Louis Railway. . . Chicago, Danville, and Vincennes Railroad 132.249 472,185 230,684 21,142 428.921 644.518 600.711 85,530 1,971,182 1,200.150 150.898 2,000 1,646.272 763.400 439,856 1,800 697.184 947,8 354.038 8,440 Total shipments .... 1,861 828 12160046 47 013 552 12,255,587 6,082,808 In store Dec. 31, 1872 25.5?2 1,047 683 1 595,252 844.669 807,089 City consumption, or unaccounted for 864,772 807,001 1,870,920 2,700,082 489,832 Total. . . 1.751.682 14.014.780 50.479.724 15,800,288 5,778.679 There were also shipped 1,429,076 bushels of rye, chiefly by railroad. In 1872, 563,617 bushels of wheat and 388,970 of corn were shipped direct to foreign countries, chiefly to Great Britain and Ireland, on through bills of lading. The total number of vessels owned in the district of Chicago in 1872 was 654, with an aggregate tonnage of 99,403. Among these were 268 schooners, 245 canal boats (including 17 propelled by steam), 54 tugs, 34 scows, 31 barks, 8 propellers, 7 barges, 6 brigs, and 1 steamer. The number of arri- vals and clearances for a series of years has been :