Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume IV.djvu/672

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660 CLEMENS ing single large nodding flowers, yellowish within, with erect stem, growing about a foot high, and found rarely in New York, Pennsyl- vania, and Virginia. All the species of clema- tis grow and blossom freely in any light soil, and they are widely esteemed in gardens for trellis-work, and for training against a wall. They may be readily propagated by layers, young cuttings, or seeds. CLEMEJNS, Samuel Langhorne (MARK TWAIN), an American humorist, born at Florida, Mon- roe co., Missouri, Nov. 30, 1835. He attended a common school until 13 years of age, when he became an apprentice in the printing office of the " Courier " at Hannibal, Mo., and after- ward worked at his trade in St. Louis, Cincin- nati, Philadelphia, and New York. In 1855 he went to New Orleans, intending to take pas- sage for Para, to explore the Amazon, and to engage in the cacao trade; but the fact that there was no ship from New Orleans to Para prevented the fulfilment of his plan. On his way down the Mississippi he had made friends with the pilots, and learned to steer the boat, and for the consideration of $500 they engaged to make him a St. Louis and New Orleans pilot. He went up and down the river steer- ing and studying the 1,275 miles of the route, and after a time received his license, and se- cured a situation as a pilot at $250 a month. In 1861 his brother was appointed secretary of the territory of Nevada, and Samuel accom- panied him as his private secretary. He worked in the mines for about a year, and says in his " Roughing It " that he was really worth a million dollars for just 10 days, and lost it through his own heedlessness. He then shovelled quartz in a silver mill for $10 a week, for one week only. In the mean time he had written occasional letters to the Vir- ginia City " Enterprise," and in the winter of 1862 he became city editor of that journal, and held the position for three years. Part of the time he reported legislative proceedings from Carson, summing up results in weekly letters to the " Enterprise," which he signed " Mark Twain." The name was a reminiscence of his steamboat days on the Mississippi, where it is the leadman's term to signify a depth of two fathoms of water. From Virginia City he went to San Francisco, and for five months was a reporter for the " Morning Call " news- paper. He then went to Calaveras county, and worked in the surface gold diggings for three months without result. Returning to San Francisco, he supported himself by news- paper work for several months. In 1866 he went to the Hawaiian Islands, remaining six months, and coming back with a high reputa- tion, which he turned to account as a lecturer in San Francisco and through California and Nevada. He then went to the east and pub- lished " The Jumping Frog and other Sketch- es" (New York, 1867), which was republished in London. In the same year he embarked with a large party of travellers in the steamer CLEMENT Quaker City on a pleasure excursion up the Mediterranean to Egypt and the Holy La'hd. Of this excursion he gave a humorous account in "The Innocents Abroad" (8vo, Hartford, 1869), of which 125,000 copies were sold in three years. He was for some time editor of a daily newspaper in Buffalo, but afterward re- sumed lecturing, and visited England in 1872 and 1873. His residence is at Hartford. In 1872 he published "Roughing It" (8vo, Hart- ford), which reached a sale of 91,000 copies in nine months. A London publisher has gath- ered all his sketches, many of which have not been collected in America (adding, however, many papers not written by Mark Twain), and has issued them in 4 vols. " Roughing It " and "The Innocents Abroad " have also been re- published in London. Editions of all his works, in English and German, are now (1873) in course of publication in Leipsic. CLEMENT, the name of fourteen popes and of three antipopes. I. M. Clement, or Clement of Rome (CLEMENS ROMAN rs), one of the apostolic fathers, born about A. D. 30, died about 100. He is supposed to be the Clement mentioned by St. Paul in Phil. iv. 3, as one of his fellow workers, and according to tradition was bap- tized by St. Peter, and elected bishop of Rome in 67, or by some accounts in 91. As the most probable accounts place his death in 100, he must on this supposition have witnessed the per- secution of Domitian (95-'6). His martyrdom took place in the third year of Trajan ; but nothing certain is known as to the manner of his death. The Roman breviary, in harmony with a very ancient tradition, states that he was thrown into the Euxine while exiled on the Tauric Chersonesus. In the Roman calendar his feast occurs on Nov. 23. His two epistles are contained in the collections of the apostolic fathers. II. Suldger, of Saxon birth, died at Pe- saro, Oct. 9, 1047. He was successively canon of Halberstadt, chaplain to the archbishop of Bremen, bishop of Bamberg, chancellor to King Henry III., and in 1046 succeeded Gregory VI. He crowned Henry emperor, held a council at Rome for the extirpation of simony, and is be- lieved to have died of poison. (Hit) Colbert, antipope, a native of Parma, died in 1100. Made archbishop of Ravenna through the in- fluence of Henry IV., he was elected pope in an assembly held at Brescia in 1080, and while Gregory VII. was closely besieged by the im- perial troops in the castle of Sant' Angelo. He excommunicated the lawful pope, who in his turn laid him under his ban, and never consented to absolve him. When Gregory was delivered by Robert Guiscard and his Normans, Clement remained master of a part of Rome, held it during the pontificate of Vic- tor III., and was expelled under Urban II. After some brief stay at Ravenna, he was en- abled by the active support of the emperor to reenter Rome, whence he was finally driven under Pascal II. He died miserably after 20 years of intrusion into the papal office. Ill*