Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume X.djvu/124

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118 LAMARCK LAMARMORA of cotton. There were 5,037 horses, 1,090 mules and asses, 5,196 milch cows, 1,061 work- ing oxen, 14,249 other cattle, 3,986 sheep, and 22,030 swine ; 3 manufactories of furniture, 5 of saddlery and harness, and 2 flour mills. Capital, Paris. LAMARCK, Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet de, a French naturalist, born at Bazentin, Picardy, Aug. 1, 1744, died in Paris, Dec. 18, 1829. He was a younger son of a noble family, formerly of Beam, and being destined for the church was sent to the Jesuits' college at Amiens ; but his father dying when he was 17 years old, he left his studies and joined the army under the duke de Broglie. He served until the close of the seven years' war, when he became incapacitated for military duty by an accident, returned to Paris, and studied medicine and the physical sciences. In 1776 he began his career as an author by the publi- cation of his Memoire sur les vapeurs de Vat- mosphere. In 1778 he published his Flore francaise, containing a new arrangement of plants which was commended by Buffon and the academy of sciences. About* the same time he accompanied the younger Buffon on a tour through Germany and Holland to procure botanical specimens; and he became also a companion in the botanical excursions of J. J. Rousseau. Being appointed editor of the bo- tanical department of Panckoucke's Ency dope- die methodique, the results of his researches were embodied in that work. The outbreak of the French revolution interrupted it and terminated Lamarck's botanical labors. In 1793, although he had given comparatively little attention to zoology, he was intrusted with the department of invertebrata in the museum of natural history in Paris. This branch of natural history became thenceforth the absorbing study of his life, and his lec- tures upon it, begun in 1794, were continued until the failure of his eyesight in 1818 incapa- citated him for the duty. His first important work on this subject, Systeme des animaux sans vertelres (1801), was the forerunner of a more elaborate treatise published many years later. In 1809 appeared his Philosophic zoo- logique (2 vols. 8vo), in which his theory of the development of animal functions, previous- ly hinted at in an early work, is set forth at considerable length. It was his opinion that new organs could be produced in animals by the simple exertion of the will, called into ac- tion by the creation of new wants ; and that the organs thus acquired could be transmitted by generation. In support of this doctrine, which is called appetency, he cited the exis- tence of tentacula on the head of the snail, which ^ derive their origin from the desire of the animal, united with endeavor perpetuated and imperceptibly working its effect through a series of generations, to possess organs capa- ble of examining the bodies it encounters ; and the same thing, he asserted, had happened " to all races of gasteropods, in which necessity has induced the habit of touching bodies with some part of their head." He was an advo- cate also of spontaneous generation, and he believed that all organized beings, from the lowest to the highest forms, were developed progressively from similar living microscopic particles. He is considered the foremost mod- ern originator of the theory of the variation of species, which Darwin has revived and developed. In 1815-'22 appeared Lamarck's chief work, Histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertebres (7 vols. 8vo), by far the most comprehensive treatise on the invertebrata which had appeared, and of which the edition of 1834-'45, with notes by Deshayes and Milne- Edwards, is a standard manual on the subject. His division of the animal kingdom includes three groups, the apathetic, the sensible, and the intelligent. The first comprises infusoria, polyparia, radiaria, and vermes ; the second, insecta, arachnida, Crustacea, annelida, cirri- peda, and mollusca ; and the third, pisces, rep- tilia, aves, and mammifera. Some of his state- ments respecting the habits and functions of the apathetic animals have been disproved by the researches of Ehrenberg and other natural- ists. His last work was his Memoires sur les coquilles, published in the Annales du museum, in which he was assisted by Valenciennes, and by his daughter. LAMARMORA, Alfonso di, marquis, an Italian general, born Nov. 17, 1804. He was admitted to the military academy of Turin in 1816, and left it in 1823 with the rank of lieutenant of ar- tillery. He took an active part in introducing reforms into the organization of the army, in the war against Austria in 1848, and in resto- ring order after the defeat at Novara in 1849. In 1855 he was commander of the Sardinian forces in the Crimean campaign, and in that of 1859 was the principal military adviser of Victor Emanuel. He also officiated on several occasions as minister of war and marine. Af- ter the peace of Villafranca and the retirement of Cavour, he was for a time chief of the cabi- net, a position which he again held in 1864-'6, after having served on missions to Berlin and St. Petersburg, and as commander in Milan and Naples. In 1866 he concluded through Gen. Govone the alliance with Prussia, and re- signed his premiership in order to take as chief of staff the virtual command of the army in the field. The defeat at Custozza (June 24), which was attributed to his mismanagement of the campaign, caused his retirement, and involved him in disagreeable controversies. In 1867 he was sent to Paris, subsequently became mem- ber of the Italian parliament, and in 1870-'71 was governor of Rome. In 1873 he published a volume of diplomatic memoirs, which made an immense sensation by the assertion that Bis- marck in his negotiations with Gen. Govone in 1866 declared himself willing to cede a por tion of Transrhenan Germany to France, in order to ^secure the friendly attitude of Napo- leon III. in the impending war with Austria ;