Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume X.djvu/141

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LANCASTER 135 wheat, 100,113 of Indian corn, 16,135 of oats, 7,933 of sweet potatoes, 30,292 Ibs. of butter, and 3,414 bales of cotton. There were 642 horses, 725 mules and asses, 1,539 milch cows, 2,848 other cattle, 2,366 sheep, and 4,247 swine. Capital, Lancasterville. IV. A S. E. county of Nebraska, watered by Salt creek and the Little Nemaha river ; area, 864 sq. m. ; pop. in 1870, 7,074. The surface is diversified and the soil fertile. Salt springs are found. It is traversed by the Atchison and Nebraska, the Burlington and Missouri River, and the Midland Pacific railroads. The chief productions in 1870 were 133,187 bushels of wheat, 134,400 of Indian corn, 73,239 of oats, 32,118 of po- tatoes, 94,018 Ibs. of wool, and 7,974 tons of hay. There were 1,614 horses, 3,022 cattle, 905 sheep, and 2,205 swine. Capital, Lincoln, which is also the state capital. LANCASTER, a city and the capital of Lancas- ter co., Pennsylvania, on the Conestoga river and the Pennsylvania Central railroad, in the midst of a rich agricultural region, 68 m. by rail and 60 m. in a straight line W. of Phila- delphia, and 34 m. S. E. of Harrisburg; pop. in 1850, 12,369; in 1860, 17,603; in 1870, 20,233, of whom 3,375 were foreigners. The river from this point to where it enters the Susquehanna, at Safe Harbor, a distance of 19 m., was in 1826 made navigable for small craft by means of dams and locks. By this route, as well as by the railroad to Columbia, 12 m. dis- tant, great quantities of coal and lumber are brought to Lancaster, the trade in these articles forming a considerable portion of the business of the place. The principal part of the town is elevated nearly 100 ft. above the Conestoga, from which the city is supplied with water, which is raised by machinery to two large reservoirs. The streets are generally straight, well paved, and lighted with gas, and cross one another at right angles ; the two principal ones, King and Queen, intersect in a wide central plaza, which is generally crowded on market days. In a bend of the river in the S. part of the city is Woodward Hill cemetery, a large and picturesque ground. Most of the city is substantially built of brick, many of the houses, particularly those erected recently, be- ing elegant and commodious. Among the public buildings, one of the most imposing is the court house, which is 160 ft. long, 70 ft. wide, two stories high, and surmounted by a dome. The county prison, a large castellated building of old red sandstone, contains 80 cells, and is kept on the solitary labor system. Its tower, 102 ft. high, is the first object which strikes the eye of a traveller approaching Lan- caster. The old jail, famous as the scene of the murder of the Conestoga Indians in 1763 by the Paxton boys, was taken down in 1851, and Fulton hall, a large and elegant building, used for concerts and as a theatre, now oc- cupies its site. A handsome monument of New Hampshire granite has recently been erected in the central square in memory of the soldiers of Lancaster co. who fell in the civil war. There are several iron founderies and blast furnaces, extensive manufactories of locomotives, rifles, carriages, axes, &c., and three national banks, with an aggregate capital of $890,000. Lancaster is divided into nine wards, and is governed by a mayor with a select council of one and a common council of three from each ward. The valuation of property for the year ending June 1, 1873, was $4,744,000 ; expenditures, $91,878; debt, $369,353 96. The public schools are graded, including a boys' and a girls' high school, and are in a flourishing condition. Franklin and Marshall college was established here in 1853 by the consolidation of Franklin college, which had existed for many years as a high school, with Marshall college, which was transferred from Mercersburg. It is under the control of the German Reformed church, and has a col- legiate and a preparatory course. In 1873-'4 it had 11 professors (4 in the preparatory de- partment), 84 collegiate and 64 preparatory students, and libraries containing 12,000 vol- umes. The buildings, which stand on a com- manding eminence in the N. "W. corner of the city, are neat and substantial. In connection with the college, but under a separate board of trustees, is a theological seminary, organized in 1825, which in 1873-'4 had 3 professors, 34 students, a library of 8,000 volumes, and an endowment of $80,000. Besides those of the college and theological seminary, there are five libraries, viz. : the Lancaster, with 2,000 vol- umes; Mechanics', 4,200; Athenseum, 2,000; law library association, 3,700; young men's Christian association, 2,500. Three daily and seven weekly (two German) newspapers and seven monthly (one German, and one English and German) periodicals are published, and there are 21 churches. Lancaster was founded about 1718, and for some years was called Hickory Town. On the organization of the county in 1729, and the removal of the seat of justice from Conestoga in 1730, it took its present name. In 1742 it was chartered as a borough, and in 1818 made a city. In 1777 congress sat here for a few days. From 1799 to 1812 it was the capital of the state, and from 1750 to 1825 was the largest inland town in the country. LANCASTER, a city and the capital of Fair- field co., Ohio, on Hocking river, the Hocking canal, and the Columbus and Hocking Valley and Cincinnati and Muskingum Valley rail- roads, 25 m. S. E. of Columbus; pop. in 1870, 4,725. The surrounding country is fertile, and contains many vineyards ; the scenery is beau- tiful. The city is well built, the streets being wide and handsome, and many of the public and other buildings attractive. The court house, of stone, erected at a cost of $150,000, is one of the finest in the country. The state reform school for boys, with 400 inmates and a farm of 1,400 acres mostly devoted to fruit raising, is 6 m. from Lancaster. The principal