Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume X.djvu/527

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LISBON 521 Nossa Senhora dos Martyres, erected by Alfon- so I. on the site of the crusaders' camp, and consequently the most ancient parish in Lis- bon, the beautiful church of Santa Engracia, and that at Sao Roque. A large number of convents seated on the various hills, and mostly massive and imposing structures, present the appearance of palaces and fortresses. Among the other public buildings of importance are the Castello de Sao Jorge, on one of the high- est eminences, which with the ground immedi- ately surrounding it formed the original Moor- ish city ; the military arsenal, in the easternmost district, on the banks of the river ; the naval arsenal, adjoining the Largo do Pelourinho, and erected by Pombal after the earthquake ; the custom house, on the east side of the Praca do Commercio ; the exchange ; the mint, with a coining machine worked by steam ; the poly- technic institute, the architecture of which is chaste in style and admirable in execution; and above all, the grand aqueduct, constructed under John V., conveying water from springs some 10 m. N". W. of the city to the reservoir Mai d'Agua, near the Praga do Rato. This magnificent structure crosses the valley of Alcantara upon a series of lofty arches, the maximum height of which is about 250 ft. Lisbon abounds in hospitals and charitable in- stitutions ; the most interesting of the former is Sao Jose, and of the latter the Real Casa Pia, now located in the convent of Sao Gero- nimo at Belem, for foundlings, orphans, and little wanderers. There are five theatres, a museum of natural history, and a botanic gar- den, three general cemeteries near the city for natives, and several smaller ones for foreigners. The English burial ground, called by the Portu- guese Os Oyprestes, on the Estrella hill, con- tains the tombs of Fielding the novelist and Dr. Philip Doddridge. Adjoining the ground is a school for English children of both sexes whose parents are in straitened circumstances. The Limoeiro, now the principal prison, was formerly a palace. The only bridge worthy of mention is that over the small stream of Alcantara, on the road to Belem, with a beau- tiful statue of St. John Nepomuck, the patron of bridges, executed by the sculptor Padua. Near the bridge is a large collection of royal carriages. Among the scientific and learned societies may be mentioned the royal academy of sciences, founded in 1778 ; the society for the promotion of national industry; the so- ciety for the amelioration of the laboring classes; the royal marine academy, with its observatory ; the military college ; royal acad- emy of artillery and engineers ; school of music ; the national library, with over 150,060 volumes; and the library of the cortes, with 30,000 volumes. The educational establish- ments comprise the royal schools of Vicente de Fora for philosophy, the sciences, and the ancient languages ; the royal school of design and architecture ; and a number of elementary schools, public and private. Besides the thea- tres, there are several other places of amuse- ment, such as the Circo dos Touros, for bull fights, constructed in 1831, with accommoda- tion for an immense number of spectators, and a profusion of public gardens and promenades. The port (or rather roadstead) of Lisbon is very spacious, offering excellent anchorage for whole fleets together, and is justly regarded as one of the finest in Europe. The entrance to the Tagus is defended by two forts, Sao Juliao, and Bugio situated on the islet of Alcacova, on which is also a lighthouse ; and the bar at the mouth is the only one in Portugal which ves- sels can cross in all seasons and at all hours. Among the most ancient industries of the Lis-- bonese are those of the goldsmith and jeweller; while those of modern introduction include cotton and woollen spinning, and the manu- facture of silk fabrics, sails, cordage, paper, chemicals, wax candles, and earthenware. Meats and fruits of various kinds are exten- sively preserved for export ; there is a steam saw mill ; and a spinning and weaving factory, some 7 m. from the city, on the opposite bank of the river, has recently achieved marked im- provement in the manufacture of woollen and cotton stuffs. The imports mainly consist of cotton and woollen goods, anthracite coal, sugar, butter, raw metals, hides, and skins; the exports, of wine, olive oil, coffee, raw wax, bark, minerals (antimony, manganese, &c.), cotton fabrics, preserved meats and fruits, dried and green fruits, chemicals, and various other commodities. The total value of the exports in 1872 was $8,145,526 (wine, $1,335,- 376), and in 1873, $8,024,619 (wine, $1,836,- 680); of imports in 1872, $12,072,443, and in 1873, $12,497,728. The bank of Portugal, created in 1846, with a capital of about $12,- 000,000, is the principal establishment of its kind in the kingdom. The wealthiest mer- chants are for the most part English ; but there are many French, Germans, Dutch, and Ital- ians. Lisbon is directly connected by rail with Oporto and other important cities in the kingdom, and with Madrid. Nothing is defi- nitely known of the date of the foundation of Lisbon, though some native historians gravely ascribe it to Ulysses, whence the early name Olisipo. Julius Caesar bestowed upon it the rights of a municipium, and called it Felicitas Julia. The Alani, Vandals, and Suevi seized it in 409 ; and the Moors, who captured it in 711, named it Lishbuna, and held it till 1147, when it was wrested from them by Count Affonso Henriques (afterward king as Alfon- so I.). Lisbon was made an archbishopric in 1390, and a patriarchate in 1716 by Clement XI. In 1433 the seat of government was transferred hither from Coimbra. It reached the zenith of its importance at the beginning of the 16th century under Emanuel the Great, when the Portuguese were distinguished above all other nations for their maritime discovery and commercial enterprise. From 1580 to 1640, under Spanish rule, it was a provincial