Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume X.djvu/671

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LOUIS XVIII. (FRANCE) with the parliaments, and thus gained much popularity. On the outbreak of the revolution he lived in comparative retirement, and was unobserved during the tumults of Oct. 5 and 6, 1789, but in the following year was accused of complicity in the alleged conspiracy of the marquis of Favras against the revolution. He made a public defence and was acquitted with acclamations, while Favras suffered the punish- ment of death without naming any of his as- sociates. In June, 1791, Monsieur finally fled from the capital, and succeeded in escaping be- yond the frontier. The court being now kept under surveillance by the people, he took up his abode in Coblentz on the Rhine, declared his brother to be a captive, and, gathering around him the so-called France exterieure, formed a kind of camp court, protesting against the revolutionary measures of the national as- sembly. He took an insignificant part in the unsuccessful Prussian invasion of France in September, 1792. Having assumed the title of regent for Louis XVII. after the execution of Louis XVI., he lived successively at various places in Germany and England, and at Verona, whence he was driven again by the victories of Bonaparte (1 796). An attempt was made upon his life at Dillingen, after which he repaired to Mitau in Coin-land, which he soon had to leave at the command of the czar Paul. He then lived in Warsaw till the treaty of Tilsit (1807), and finally in England till the fall of Napoleon in 1814. Suffering under a complication of painful diseases, he now returned in triumph to his native country, after an absence of 23 years, to occupy the throne of his ancestors. Infirm and old, and surrounded by an ultra- royalist party desirous of revenge on their popular enemies, it soon became apparent that he possessed neither the sympathy of the peo- ple nor the fidelity of the remnants of the Na- poleonic army ; and scarcely had the captive of Elba appeared on the coast of southern France, when Louis saw himself deserted, and left Paris for Ghent, March 20, 1815. But the battle of Waterloo again replaced him upon his throne, and he returned to Paris, July 8. France was humiliated by the treaty of Vienna, exhausted, and utterly demoralized; the strifes of fac- tions, ultra royalists and ultra liberals, broke out with unbridled fury, assuming in some dis- tricts the shape of bloody popular commotions, and in others that of religious fanaticism ; the finances of the kingdom were in a deplora- ble condition, while the requisitions of the restored old victims of the revolution knew no bounds. The king granted a charter, but almost every important part was gradually altered, his anxiety to heal the wounds of the distracted state being far superior to his ability to do it. There was as little harmony at the court and among the various ministries (under the lead of Talleyrand, Richelieu, Decazes, &c.) as there was in the chamber, in which Chateau- briand and Benjamin Constant eventually be- came the most eminent leaders of the opposite LOUIS IV. (GERMANY) 665 parties. A better order and better feeling prevailed after the congress of Aix-la-Chapelle (1818), which reinstated France in its dignity as a great power, and the evacuation of its ter- ritory by the army of occupation. Some con- spiracies were easily suppressed; the assassi- nation of the duke of Berry by Louvel (1820) remained without effect, as the duchess of Berry was soon delivered of an heir to the throne, the duke of Bordeaux ; and even the intervention in 1823 of a French army under the duke of Angouleme, the king's nephew, for the restoration of Ferdinand VII. in Spain, could not entirely deprive Louis of the esteem and affection of the people. LOUIS I. (LUDWIG KARL AUGUST), king of Bavaria, born Aug. 25, 1786, died in Nice, Feb. 29, 1868. He visited Italy in 1804-'5, served in the Bavarian contingent to Napoleon's armies in 1806-'9, and married the princess Theresa of Hildburghausen, Oct. 12, 1810. In 1814 he accompanied the allied sovereigns to London. He succeeded to the throne Oct. 13, 1825, after the death of his father, King Maximilian Joseph. He distinguished himself by his pat- ronage of letters and art, removed the univer- sity of Landshut (which as well as that of Gottingen he had himself attended) to Munich, reorganized the academy of fine arts, and con- structed the Odeon, Basilica, Pinakothek, "Wal- halla, and other public works and monuments. In the sphere of learning, he encouraged more especially historical studies, and his taste for poetry re attested by his own publications, Ge- dicUe (1829) and Walhalla's Genossen (1843). In the early part of his administration he showed a leaning toward a popular policy; but the ultramontane party predominated in his councils from 1831 to 1847, when general hostility to its influence led to its downfall, without diminishing, however, the public ex- citement, which was increased by the supposed influence of Lola Montez over the mind of the king. In February, 18.48, disturbances broke out in Munich, after which Lola fled, and a short time afterward the king himself went into retirement (March 20), resigning in favor of his son Maximilian, who, dying March 10, 1864, was succeeded by his son, Louis II., born Aug. 25, 1845. The second son of Louis I. was Otho, king of Greece (1832-'62). LOUIS IV., the Bavarian, emperor of Germa- ny, born about 1285, died near Furstenfeld, iri the neighborhood of Munich, Oct. 11, 1347. He was the son of Louis the Severe, duke of Bavaria, and of Matilda, daughter of the em- peror Rudolph I. of Hapsburg ; and after the death of his father, having been for some years under the tutelage of his mother, he became co-regent with his elder brother Rudolph in their hereditary possessions. After the sudden death of the emperor Henry VII. of Luxem- burg in Italy (1313), he was chosen as his suc- cessor in October, 1314, by the majority of the electors, while his late friend Frederick the Fair of Austria, like himself a grandson of