Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume X.djvu/756

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750 LYMPH LYNCH side of the head and neck, which opens into the right subclavian vein. According to Rohin, the lymphatic vessels at their commencement are closely in contact with the capillary blood vessels, so much so that the lymphatic often embraces the capillary blood vessel for one half, two thirds, or even three fourths of its circumference. It is evident that the lymph moves in the lymphatic vessels always in one direction, namely, from the circumference to- ward the centre, and does not like the blood return again in the opposite direction. It is a fluid taken up by absorption at the periphery, thence carried inward toward the centre of the circulation, and finally mingled with the ve- nous blood at a short distance from the heart. The fluid contained in the lymphatic vessels of the intestine during digestion has received a distinct name, that of "chyle," since it differs from the lymph in general by its opaque white color, and by containing an abundance of molec- ular fat and a larger proportion of albuminous matters. The composition of both lymph and chyle, and the difference between them, are shown in the following analysis, by Dr. G-. O. Rees, of the lymph and chyle from the ass : CONSTITUENTS. Lymph. Chyle. Water 965-36 902-37 12-00 35-16 Fibrine 1-20 8-70 Spirit extract ... 2-40 8-32 Water extract 13-19 12-88 Fat traces. 86-01 Salts 5-85 7-11 1000-00 1000-00 The lymph and the chyle are not therefore to be considered as two distinct fluids ; since chyle is only the lymph of the intestine, which du- ring the digestive process has absorbed an un- usual proportion of nutritive materials. The lymph also contains, in addition to the above ingredients, small quantities of urea, sugar, aad albuminose, the two latter varying in amount with the part of the body from which the fluid is taken and the period of the digestive process. The lymph, like blood, coagulates soon after it is removed from the vessels, owing to the fibrine which it contains, forming a more or less color- less and transparent solid clot and fluid serum. It contains a very small number of round, white, granular corpuscles, similar to the white glob- ules of the blood, but of smaller average size. When taken from the thoracic duct of the liv- ing animal it also always contains a certain proportion of red blood globules, sufficient to give to its clot a slight rosy tinge after it has been exposed for a short time to the air ; but this is believed by some authorities to be owing to an accidental rupture of some of the small blood vessels connected with the lymphatic sys- tem. The quantity of lymph discharged daily into the venous system is very considerable. In the dog, the fluid discharged from the thoracic duct and collected by means of a silver canula inserted into its extremity, at various periods after feeding, is on the average 1*75 part per hour for every 1,000 parts of the entire weight of the animal, making 42 parts in 1,000 for the whole 24 hours. In a dog weighing 30 Ibs. this would give 1 J Ib. of lymph and chyle daily. In a young kid weighing 14 Ibs., 540 grains of lymph may be drawn from the thoracic duct per hour, representing rather more than If Ib. in 24 hours. M. Colin, of the veterinary school of Alf ort in France, obtained from the thoracic duct of an ox in 24 hours more than 80 Ibs. of fluid, and from a young bull a little more than 100 Ibs. in the same time. In the horse, ac- cording to the same experimenter, the quantity is less than in the ruminating animals; but even in the horse he estimates the daily quan- tity at from 40 to 50 Ibs. per day, or about 4 per cent, of the entire weight of the animal. This corresponds with the results above men- tioned as obtained in the case of the dog ; and applying these lower estimates to the human subject, for a man weighing 140 Ibs., it would give from 6 to 6 Ibs. of lymph and chyle per day. This quantity indicates the activity of the absorption by which the lymph is taken up from the tissues and returned by a circuit- ous route to the venous circulation. LYNCH, Patrick Nieson, an American bishop, born at Cheraw, S. 0., March 10, 1817. After studying under the direction of Bishop Eng- land in the diocesan seminary of Charleston, he went to Rome in 1834, and studied philoso- phy and theology in the college of the Propa- ganda. He received his doctor's degree in the beginning of 1840, was ordained priest, and returned to Charleston, where he was appoint- ed rector of the seminary and professor of theology. In 1845 he became rector of St. Mary's parish in that city, in 1847 rector of the cathedral, and in 1850 vicar general of the diocese. After the death of Bishop Reynolds in 1855 he was appointed by the pope adminis- trator, was named bishop of Charleston Dec. 9, 1857, and consecrated March 14, 1858. Du- ring his administration Bishop Lynch has built several churches in his diocese, and founded a convent of Ursulines, an orphan asylum, and a large number of elementary schools for chil- dren of both sexes. It was also chiefly through his energy that the beautiful cathedral of St. Michael was completed. This and many of his churches and educational establishments hav- ing been destroyed during the civil war, Bish- op Lynch has since 1865 devoted himself to preaching and lecturing throughout the north- ern and middle states for the purpose of col- lecting funds sufficient to repair these ruins. In 1869 he was present at the council of the Vatican, and sustained the definition of the dogma of papal infallibility. He has published several essays on astronomical, historical, and theological subjects. LYNCH, Thomas, jr., one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, born in Prince George's parish, S. 0., Aug. 5, 1749, died at