Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume X.djvu/76

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70 LABORDE of the societe du progres de Vart indmtriel, and superintended its semi-annual exhibitions in the Champs Elysees. At a later period he was commissioned by the government to _ ex- ecute photographic illustrations of the various types of French fishes and of the management of the piscicultural establishments at Huningen ,and Ooncarneau; and these he collected in an album, which attracted much attention at the exhibition of 1867. His principal works are: Repertoire encyclopedique de photographic (a periodical, 6 vols., 1862-7) ; Nouveau diction- naire general des peches (4to, illustrated) ; Les ravageurs desforets (1865) ; Lapeche aux bains de mer, and Voyage au fond de la mer (1868). LABOKDE, Henri, viscount de, a French paint- er, born in Rennes, May 2, 1811. He is a son of Gen. Count Henri Frangois de Laborde (1764-1833). He studied under Delaroche, and produced in 1836 " Hagar in the Wilderness," which is at the museum of Dijon, and in 1837 "The Confession of St. Augustine," one of his best works, which has been purchased by the government. His " Capture of Damietta" (1841) and "Knights of St. John of Jerusa- lem " (1845) are at Versailles. His ' r Dante at La Verna" (1847), a historical landscape, for which he received a first medal, was burned in 1870, during the bombardment of Saint Cloud. He has published JStudes sur les beaux- arts en France et a Vetranger (2 vols., Paris, 1864), and Ingres, sa me et sa doctrine (1870). LABORDE, Jean Benjamin de, a French com- poser, born in Paris, Sept. 5, 1734, guillotined July 22, 1794. While young he became a favorite of Louis XV., and dissipated nearly the whole of his fortune; but he cultivated his taste for music, and during the life of his patron produced several successful operas. He published Essai sur la musique ancienne et moderne (4 vols., 1780), and several works on history, chronology, and geography. At the breaking out of the revolution he became ob- noxious in consequence of being one of the farmers general, and retired to Rouen, but was brought back to Paris, and executed. LABORDE. I. Jean Joseph, marquis de, a French financier, born at Jaca, Aragon, in 1724, guillotined in Paris, April 18, 1794. He amassed a large fortune in mercantile opera- tions, and rendered important financial assis- tance to the government, for which he was made court banker and a marquis. When the French took part in the American war, he furnished the king with the money for des- patching the troops. He was a friend of Vol- taire, whose affairs he managed gratuitously. Toward the end of 1793 he was arrested, and, after a few months' imprisonment, sentenced to death by the revolutionary tribunal, as having participated in the royalist plots for the subversion of the republic. II. Alexandre Lonis Joseph, count de, son of the preceding, a French archaeologist and politician, born in Paris, Sept. 15, 1774, died there, Oct. 24, 1842. He was sent to Vienna at the beginning of the LABOUCHERE revolution, entered the Austrian army, reached the rank of major, and returned to France after the treaty of Campo Formio (1797). He then devoted himself to travels and artistic pursuits. In 1800 he accompanied Lucien Bonaparte, am- bassador to Spain, and during nearly two years explored the provinces of the peninsula, in company with several artists, whose expenses he paid. On his return to France he under- took the publication of his great work, Voyage pittoresque et historique de VEspagne (4 vols. large fol., 1807-' 18), which cost him the better part of his fortune. He afterward held several offices, and was a member of the chamber of deputies for most of the time from 1822 to 1840. He took an active part in the revolution of 1830, and was for some time prefect of the Seine, and afterward aide-de-camp to Louis Philippe. Besides the Voyage de VEspagne, he published Itineraire descriptif de VEspagne (5 vols. 8vo, with an atlas, 1809) ; Les monu- ments de la France, classes chronologiquement, &c. (fol., 1816-'26); Voyage pittoresque en Autriche, avec un precis de la guerre entre la France et VAutriche, 1809 (3 vols. fol., 1821- '3), &c. III. Leon Emmanuel Simon Joseph, count de, a French archaeologist, son of the preceding, born in Paris in June, 1807, died there, March 30, 1869. He studied at Gottingen, travelled in the East, and on his return published, in conjunction with M. Linant, Voyage de V Arable Peiree (Paris, 1830-'33), and Flore de VAralie Petree (4to, 1833). In 1837 he began a large and splendid publication, Voyage en Orient, consisting of travels in Asia Minor and Syria, which was published in parts and finished in 1862. In 1842 his Commentaire geographique sur VExode et les Nombres secured his election to the academy of inscriptions. In 1841 he entered the chamber of deputies, where he showed little interest in political questions. In 1845 -'7 he published a series of letters on public libraries, the fourth of which, on the Mazarin palace, is full of historical interest. This led him to a larger illustrated publication, Les anciens monuments de Paris ; the first part was published in 4to in 1846, but it was not continued. He was also the author of the fol- lowing unfinished works: Les dues de Bour- gogne, etudes sur les lettres, les arts et Vin- dmtrie pendant le 15 e siecle (2 vols. 8vo, 1849-'51) ; La renaissance des arts a la cour de France (vol. i., Peinture, 1855); and De Vunion des arts et de Vindustrie (2 vols. 8vo, 1856). He was for several years curator of tho antiquities in the Louvre, but resigned in 1854, and in 1857 was appointed director of the archives of the empire. In 1867 he founded the museum of archives in the hotel de Soubise. LABOUCHERE. I. Henry, Baron Taunton, an English statesman, born in London, Aug. 15, 1798, died July 13, 1869. His father, Peter Caesar Labouchere, whose ancestors left France at the period of the revocation of the edict of Nantes and became established in Holland, was a partner in the banking house of Hopo