Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume X.djvu/783

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McCREA death she went to live with a brother on the Hudson river in the neighborhood of Fort Ed- ward. At the commencement of the revolu- tion she was betrothed to a young man named David Jones, who, adhering to the crown, went to Canada and was commissioned a lieu- tenant in a loyalist regiment. The approach of Burgoyne's army from the north in the summer of 1777 having spread consternation through the neighboring country, Miss McCrea's brother, who was a whig, prepared to remove to a place of safety, and sent for his sister, then on a visit to a Mrs. McNeil, residing at Fort Edward. Miss McOrea, supposing that her lover was in the invading army, lingered day after day at Mrs. McNeil's, with the hope of an interview with him. The summons of her brother having at last become peremptory, she prepared reluctantly to embark in a bateau which was to convey several families down the Hudson out of reach of danger. On the morn- ing fixed upon for her departure the house was suddenly surprised by a party of hostile In- dians belonging to Burgoyne's army, and sent out by him to scour the country and harass the Americans; Mrs. McNeil and herself were made prisoners, and with other members of the family were hurried off to Burgoyne's camp. Mrs. McNeil arrived there in safety, and half an hour afterward another party of Indians came in with freshly severed scalps, on one of which she recognized the long glossy hair of Jane McOrea. The precise manner of her death has never been ascertained. The Indians said that she was killed by a random shot from a detachment of Americans sent out in pursuit, and that, being thus cut off from the reward offered for prisoners, they secured her scalp and left her body by the wayside. Another story is that a quarrel arose among the Indians as to whose prize she was, in the midst of which one of them in a paroxysm of rage tomahawked her. The event caused a general feeling of horror through the country, and even in Europe, and Burke used the story with powerful effect in the British house of commons. An acrimonious correspondence ensued between Gates and Burgoyne ; but the latter, who professed to be as much shocked as any one at the tragedy, denied peremptorily that the Indians were allowed to perpetrate such excesses with impunity. He immediately summoned a council of Indian chiefs, and de- manded that the murderer should be given up ; but it having been represented to him that his Indian allies would in that event probably de- sert him, he was persuaded to let the offender go unpunished. The story has been related in various ways, and under the hands of succes- sive narrators has been expanded into a pathetic love romance. It was said that Lieut. Jones hired the Indians to bring his mistress to the camp, and that they murdered her on the way to settle a dispute respecting the reward of- fered. This, however, he always denied. He retired to Canada soon after, and lived to be McCULLOCH 777 an old man, but was to the close of his life melancholy and taciturn. Jane McCrea was buried on a hill near Fort Edward, and was afterward disinterred and buried near Three- mile creek. A few years later the remains were removed to the old Fort Edward burying ground, at which time, it is said, her skull was examined and exhibited no mark of a cut or gash from a tomahawk. In 1874 the re- mains were removed to the new Union ceme- tery, between Fort Edward and Sandy Hill, and a marble slab was placed over the grave by Miss McCrea's niece, Mrs. Sarah H. Payn. McCRIE, Thomas, a Scottish author, born at Dunse in November, 1772, died in Edinburgh, Aug. 5, 183'5. He was educated at the univer- .sity of Edinburgh, and in 1795 was licensed as a preacher by the Antiburgher Associate pres- bytery of Kelso. For his active opposition to the voluntary principle in ecclesiastical pol- ity, he was deposed in 1806. Afterward he was prominent in the Constitutional Associate presbytery. He wrote a " Life of John Knox " (1812; enlarged ed., 1831), and a "Life of Andrew Melville " (1819), giving an account of the formation of the Scottish kirk. In 1827 appeared his "History of the Progress and Suppression of the Reformation in Italy;" and in 1829 "The Progress and Suppression of the Reformation in Spain in the Sixteenth Cen- tury." He also reviewed Scott's " Old Mortal- ity," to defend the Covenanters. He opposed Catholic emancipation in 1829, and subsequent- ly took part in the " anti-patronage " contro- versy. He left an unfinished "Life of Cal- vin." His son edited a uniform edition of his works (4 vols., Edinburgh, 1855-'7). McCULLOCH, a W. county of Texas, bounded N.' by the Colorado river ; area, 915 sq. m. ; pop. in 1870, 173. The land along the Colo- rado is susceptible of good cultivation. McCULLOCH, John, a British physicist, born in the island of Guernsey, Oct. 6, 1773, died in Penzance, Cornwall, Aug. 21, -1835. He took the degree of M. D. at Edinburgh in 1791, en- tered the army as assistant surgeon, and in 1803 was appointed chemist to the board of ordnance. In 1807 he settled at Blackheath, and commenced practice as a physician, but in 1811 was engaged by government to make scientific surveys in Scotland. His most im- portant publications are: "A Description of the Western Islands of Scotland" (2 vols., London, 1819); "A Geological Classification of Rocks " (1821) ; " The Highlands and West- ern Islands of Scotland" (4 vols., 1824); and Proofs and Illustrations of the Attributes of God from the Facts and Laws of the Physical Universe " (3 vols., 1837). McCULLOCH, John Ramsay, a Scottish econo- mist, born at Whithorn in Wigtownshire, March 1, 1789, died at the stationery office, Westminster, Nov. 11, 1864. From 1828 to 1832 he was professor of political economy in the university of London. He afterward re- ceived from government for his services to lit-