Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume X.djvu/785

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MACDONALD sovereigns, but retired from public life during his latter years. MACDONALD, Flora, a Scottish heroine, born in the isle of South Uist, one of the Hebrides, in 1720, died March 4, 1790. She was the daughter of Macdonald of Milton, who be- longed to the Macdonalds of Clanranald. Her father died when she was an infant, and her mother married Macdonald of Arnadale, in Skye, to which island Flora was removed. In June, 1746, she visited her stepbrother at Mil- ton, in South Uist, and while there made the acquaintance of Capt. O'Neil, one of the com- panions of Charles Edward Stuart, then on his wanderings after his defeat at Culloden. O'Neil proposed that she should take Charles with her to Skye, disguised as a woman. Though a confirmed Jacobite, she at first positively de- clined ; but an interview with the prince led to a change of mind, and she entered warmly into the scheme. Her stepfather, who commanded one of the militia parties in the service of the government, gave her a passport for herself, for a male attendant, for " Betty Bourke, a stout Irishwoman," and for three others. Flo- ra, the prince, and one attendant sailed from Benbecula, June 28. They encountered serious dangers, but finally reached Skye, where they were assisted by Lady Macdonald, whose hus- band was then with the duke of Cumberland, commander of the royal forces. This lady consigned the prince and his attendant to the care of Macdonald of Kingsburgh, her hus- band's factor, who took them to his house, to which Flora also proceeded. Here the services of Flora to the prince ended, during all of which she had exhibited the utmost coolness and courage, without which the unfortunate adventurer must have fallen into the hands of his enemies. A price, 30,000, was on his head. The next day the prince bade farewell to Flora, at Portree, in Skye. The part she had taken in this romantic affair soon became known, and she was arrested, and, after five months' detention on board vessels of war, was sent to London, where she suffered a mild im- prisonment. She was discharged under the act of indemnity in 1747, not a question having been asked of her. Placed in the family of Lady Primrose, a Jacobite, she was an object of much interest to society. Eeturning to Scotland, in 1750 she married Macdonald the younger of Kingsburgh. The family emigrated to North Carolina about 1775, and settled in Fayetteville ; but siding with the loyalists, they experienced adventures, and met with losses. Flora embarked alone for Europe, and actually took part in an engagement which the vessel she was in fought with a French vessel, and had her arm broken by a fall. Some time after her return to Scotland she was joined by her husband. She was the mother of several chil- dren, and her four sons entered the British service. On her death her body was wrapped in one of the sheets of the bed in which Charles Edward slept on the night he passed at Kings- McDONOUGH 779 burgh. This sheet Mrs. Macdonald had car- ried with her throughout all her wanderings. MacDONALD, George, a British author, born in Huntly, Aberdeenshire, in 1824. His father, a descendant of the Macdonalds of Glencoe, was the proprietor of the Huntly mills. George graduated at the university of Aberdeen, studied theology in Owens college, Manches- ter, and for several years was a preacher of the Independent body in Surrey and Sussex. He finally left the pulpit, became a layman of the church of England, and for a time was princi- pal of a young ladies' seminary in London. In 1857 he travelled on the continent, and visited Algiers. In 1872-'3 he made a lecturing tour in the United States. He has published: "Within and Without" (1855); "Poems" (1856); " Phantastes, a Faerie Romance" (1858); "David Elginbrod " (1863); "The Portent " (1864) ; " Alec Forbes of Howglen " (1865) ; " Adela Cathcart " (1866) ; " Dealings with the Fairies " (1867) ; " The Disciples and other Poems " (1867) ; " Unspoken Sermons " (1867); "Annals of a Quiet Neighborhood" (1868); "The Seaboard Parish" (1868); "Robert Falconer" (1868); "Guild Court" (1868); "The Miracles" (1870); "England's Antiphon" (1870); " Eanald Bannerman's Boyhood " (1871) ; "At the Back of the North Wind " (1871) ; "The Princess and the Goblin " (1871); "The Vicar's Daughter" (1872); " Wilfrid Cumbermede " (1872) ; " Gutta Per- cha Willie" (1873); "Malcolm " (1874). He now resides in London and at Hastings. MACDONALD, James, an American physician, born at White Plains, N. Y., July 18, 1803, died at Flushing, L. I., May 5, 1849. He took his degree of M. D. in 1825, and was appointed resident physician of Bloomingdale lunatic asy- lum. In 1831 he was sent by the governors of the New York hospital to visit the insane hospitals of Europe, stipulating that on his re- turn he should have entire charge of the asy- lum for five years. In 1837 he resigned, and for the next four years he was a visiting phy- sician of the New York hospital. In 1841 he opened a private insane asylum at Murray Hill, afterward removed to Flushing. In 1842 he began at the college of physicians and surgeons a course of lectures on mental diseases. His published works include "An Essay on the Construction and Management of Insane Hos- pitals," "A Review of Ferrers on Insanity," " A Dissertation on Puerperal Insanity," and several reports. He was a frequent contrib- utor to the "American Journal of Insanity." MeDONOUGH, a W. county of Illinois, watered by Crooked creek and its branches ; area, 576 sq. m. ; pop. in 1870, 26,509. The surface is mostly prairie, and the soil productive. The Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy, and the Toledo, Peoria, and Warsaw railroads pass through it. The chief productions in 1870 were 310,017 bushels of wheat, 52,401 of rye, 1,362,490 of Indian corn, 280,717 of oats. 71,- 476 of potatoes, 53,316 Ibs. of wool, 413,416