Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume XI.djvu/11

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Among the Contributors to the Eleventh Volume of the Revised Edition are the following : Prof. CLEVELAND ABBE, Washington, D. 0. METEOROLOGY. Rev. R. W. ALLEN, Cliftondale, Mass. MASSASOIT. HENRY CARET BAIED, Philadelphia. MINT. MONET. Prof. C. W. BENNETT, D. D., Syracuse Univer- sity. METHODISM. JULIUS BlNG. MAKIE ANTOINETTE, MAXIMILIAN, Emperor of Mexico, MOLTKE, HELMITTH KARL BERNHARD VON, Count, and other articles in biography, geography, and history. FRANCIS C. BOWMAN. MARENZIO, LUCA. MARSCHNER, HEINRICH. MARX, ADOLPH BERNHARD. EDWARD L. BTIRLINGAME, Ph. D. MONK, GEORGE, Duke of Albemarle, and other articles in biography and history. Rev. CHARLES P. BUSH, D. D. MISSIONS, FOREIGN (Protestant). ROBERT CARTER. MAHMOUD, MAMELUKES, MANN, HORACE, MORMONS, and other articles in biography and history. JOHN D. CHAMPLIN, Jr. MANUSCRIPT, MNEMONICS, MOROCCO, Moscow, and other articles in biography and geography. Prof. JOHN A. CHURCH. MINERALOGY. Prof. E. H. CLARKE, M. D., Harvard University. MERCURY (in Medicine), and other articles in materia medica. T. M. COAN, M. D. MAUI. MAUNA KEA. MAUNA LOA. MONCURE D. CONWAT, London, Eng. MORLEY, HENRY. MORLEY, JOHN. JOHN ESTEN COOKE, Richmond, Ya. MONROE, JAMES. Prof. JOSIAH P. Cooke, Jr., Harvard University. MOLECULE. Hon. T. M. COOLEY, LL. D., Michigan Univer- sity, Ann Arbor. MASTER AND SERVANT, MILITIA, MITTIMUS, MORTGAGE, and other legal articles. Prof. J. C. DALTON, M. D. MALPIGHI, MAHCELLO, MARROW, and medical and physiological articles. EATON S. DRONE. MAINE, MASSACHUSETTS, MINNESOTA, MISSOURI, and other articles in American geography. Prof. THOMAS M. DROWN, M. D., Lafayette College, Easton, Pa. METAL. METALLURGY. ROBERT T. EDES, M. D., Harvard University. Articles in materia medica. W. M. FERRISS. MATHEMATICS. MOHAMMEDANISM. Pres. WILLIAM W. FOLWELL, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. MINNESOTA, UNIVERSITY OF. Prof. W. E. GRIFFIS, Imperial College, Tokio, Japan. MATSUMAE. MIKADO. J. W. HAWES. MANITOBA, MARYLAND, MICHIGAN, MISSISSIPPI, MONTANA, and other articles in American geography. Hon. CHARLES C. HAZEWELL, Boston, Mass. MARY STUART, Queen. M. HEILPRIN. MAIMONIDES, MOSES. MARSI. MASINISSA, King. Prof. JOSEPH HENRY, LL. D., Smithsonian In- stitution, Washington. MAGNETISM. CHARLES L. HOGEBOOM, M. D. MECHANICS. ROSSITER JOHNSON. MAY, SAMUEL JOSEPH, MEADE, RICHARD WORSAM, MOBILE (war history), MORKIS, WILLIAM, and other articles in biography and geography. Prof. C. A. JOY, Ph. D., Columbia College, New York. MANGANESE, MOLYBDENUM, and other chemical articles. Prof. S. KNEELAND, M. D., Massachusetts In- stitute of Technology, Boston. MAMMALIA, MAMMOTH, MOLLUSCA, and other articles in zoOlogy.