Page:The American Indian.djvu/447

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27. Yuman (See preceding Table).

28. Zapotecan:

A. Amishgo.

B. Chatino.

C. Chocho.

D. Cuicateco.

E. Mazateco.

F. Mixteco.

G. Trike.

H. Zapoteco.

29. Zoquean:

A. Mixe.

B. Popoloco.

C. Tapachula.

D. Zoque.


The classification of South American linguistic groups cannot be so precisely summarized as in the preceding. The most comprehensive tabulation is offered by Chamberlain (American Anthropologist, Vol. XV, 236), whose nomenclature we have followed throughout. We have not attempted a full enumeration of the tribes under each stock because the chaotic state of the subject makes such an undertaking inadvisable. Therefore, the reader is referred to Brinton's American Race and Markham's List of Tribes in the Valley of the Amazon, etc. {Journal Anthrop. Inst., Vol. XXIV, pp. 236–284) for the names of tribal subdivisions. However, we have noted the stock affiliations for a few of the best known tribes.

1. Alikulufan:

Alikulufs, Karaikas.

2. Allentiacan (extinct):

Allentiac or Huarpes (Guarpes).

3. Andaquian, or Andaquis.

4. Apolistan.

5. Araucanian.

6. Arawakan:

A. Arawak of the Mainland. 1. Arawak. 2. Atorai (also Dauri or Tauri). 3. Baré. 4. Campas (also Anti or Ande). 5. Guaná (also Chuala, Chabacana, Echenoana, Echoaladi). 6. Ipurinas. 7. Kustenau. 8. Maipure. 9. Manaos. 10. Maopityan. 11. Moxos, or Mojos. 12. Paiconeca. 13. Paumari (also Pau-