Page:The American Language.djvu/16

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VI. The Common Speech, 177

  1. Grammarians and Their Ways, 177
  2. Spoken American As It Is, 184
  3. The Verb, 192
  4. The Pronoun, 212
  5. The Adverb, 226
  6. The Noun and Adjective, 229
  7. The Double Negative, 231
  8. Pronunciation, 234

VII. Differences in Spelling, 242

  1. Typical Forms, 242
  2. General Tendencies, 245
  3. The Influence of Webster, 247
  4. Exchanges, 255
  5. Simplified Spelling, 261
  6. Minor Differences, 264

VIII. Proper Names in America, 268.

  1. Surnames, 268
  2. Given Names, 283
  3. Geographical Names, 286
  4. Street Names, 298

IX. Miscellanea, 301

  1. Proverb and Platitude, 301
  2. American Slang, 304
  3. The Future of the Language, 312

Bibliography, 323

List of Words and Phrases, 340

General Index, 368