Page:The American Language.djvu/270

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and propagated by the largest publishing house, through the columns of the most widely circulated monthly magazine, and through one of the ablest and most widely circulated newspapers in the United States"—which is to say, the Tribune under Greeley. The last academic attack was delivered by Bishop Coxe in 1886, and he contented himself with the resigned state- ment that "Webster has corrupted our spelling sadly." Louns- bury, with his active interest in spelling reform, ranged himself on the side of AVebster, and effectively disposed of the contro- versy by showing that the great majority of his spellings were supported by precedents quite as respectable as those behind the fashionable English spellings. In Lounsbury's opinion, a good deal of the opposition to them was no more than a symptom of antipathy to all things American among certain Englishmen and of subservience to all things English among certain Amer- icans.[1]

Webster's inconsistency gave his opponents a formidable weapon for use against him—until it began to be noticed that the orthodox English spelling was quite as inconsistent. He sought to change acre to aker, but left lucre unchanged. He re- moved the final f from bailiff, mastiff, plaintiff and pontiff, but left it in distaff. He changed c to s in words of the offense class, but left the c in fence. He changed the ck in frolick, physich, etc., into a simple c, but restored it in such derivatives as frolick- some. He deleted the silent u in mould, but left it in court. These slips were made the most of by Cobb in a pamphlet printed in 1831.[2] He also detected Webster in the frequent faux pas of using spellings in his definitions and explanations that con- flicted with the spellings he advocated. Various other purists joined in the attack, and it was renewed with great fury after the appearance of Worcester's dictionary, in 1846. Worcester, who had begun his lexicographical labors by editing Johnson's dictionary, was a good deal more conservative than Webster, and so the partisans of conformity rallied around him, and for

  1. Vide English Spelling and Spelling Reform, p. 229.
  2. A Critical Review of the Orthography of Dr. Webster's Series of Books…; New York, 1831.