Page:The American Language.djvu/355

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White, Richard Grant: Words and Their Uses, Past and Present; Boston, 1872; rev. ed., New York, 1876.

Whitman, Walt; Slang in America, North American Review, vol. cxli, p. 431.

Whitney, William D. : The Life and Growth of Language, New York, 1875.

Language and the Study of Language; New York, 1867.

Wilcox, W. H. : The Difficulties Created by the Grammarians are to be Ignored, Atlantic Educational Journal, Nov., 1912.

Williams, R. 0.: Our Dictionaries; New York, 1890.

Some Questions of Good English; New York, 1897.

Wilson, A. J.: A Glossary of Colloquial Slang and Technical Terms in Use in the Stock Exchange and in the Money Market; London, 1895.

Wittmann, Elizabeth: Clipped Words, Dialect Notes, vol. iv, pt. ii, 1914.

Wright, Joseph: An English Dialect Dictionary, 6 vols.; London, 1896–1905.

The English Dialect Grammar; Oxford, 1905.

Wundt, W.: Die Sprache; Leipzig, 1900.

Wyld, H. C. K.: The Growth of English; London, 1907.

The Historical Study of the Mother Tongue; New York, 1906.

The Study of Living Popular Dialects and Its Place in the Mod- ern Science of Language; London, 1904.

Yule, Henry (and A. C. Burnell). Hobson- Jobson: a Glossary of Anglo-Indian Words and Phrases, and of Kindred Terms,

Etymological, Historical, Geographical and Discursive; new ed., ed. by Wm. Crooke; London, 1903.