Page:The American Library Annual 1911-1912.djvu/15

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The following newspapers are used as a basis in compiling the index: San Francisco Bulletin; Chicago 'Daily Tribune; Boston Christian Science Monitor; New York Tribune; New York Times; Spokane Spokesman-Review; Minneapolis Journal; Cincinnati Enquirer; Dallas News and the London Times. Also a large number of supplementary sources, particularly: the Outlook; Independent; Review of Reviews; and Literary Digest.

The date given is that when the event occurred, not that of the notice of it in the press. In general therefore events should be sought in daily papers of the day following the date given.

Entries for individuals are made in Black Face type; general subject headings and sub-heads in small-caps; geographical sub-heads in italics.

A colon after initial designates the most usual given name, as: A: Augustus; B: Benjamin; C: Charles; D: David; E: Edward; F: Frederick; G: George; H: Henry; I: Isaac; J: John; L: Louis; N: Nicholas; P: Peter; R: Richard; S: Samuel; T: Thomas: W: William.

Abbey, Edwin Austin. English painter b. 1852. d. Ag I

Abraham, Abraham, drygoods merchant, b. 1843. d. Je 28

Absinth. Importation prohibited after Jan. 1. D 14


Politics and Government.

Lidji Jeason, Menelik's grandson, proclaimed emperor. My 15


See Ballooning, Coal mines and mining, Mine accidents, Railroads, Aviation.

Adams, G: Bethune, jurist, b. 1845. d. O 10

Adams, J: Quincy. Presb. clergyman, b. 1848. d. Ja 14

Adler, Hermann. English rabbi, b. 1839. d. Jl 18

Aerial postal service.


Inaugurated. S 9

United States.

First aerial mail carried by E. L. Ovington in Blériot, Garden City to Mineola, L. I. S 23

E. Ovington authorized to carry mail from New York to Los Angeles. O 2

Aeronautical Society. At first annual dinner at Hotel Astor, presents Hon. W: R. Hearst with medal for service to aeronautics. Ap 27

Aeronautics, military. Experiment of M. S. Crissy and P. Parmalee in Wright biplane proves bomb dropped 475 feet effective within radius of 70 yards. Ja 15

C: K. Hamilton and R. Garros volunteer as aerial scouts for U. S. army at Juarez. F 5

First military flight in aeroplane by H. Harkness, Ft. Rosecrans to Tia Juana and return, 56 min. F 7