Page:The American Negro by Allen, James S..djvu/29

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class. The work in the South shows that even native white workers, once they understand how race prejudice is used by the bosses against the working class as a whole, actually organize and fight shoulder to shoulder with the Negro toilers.

In the organization of the T. U. U. L. unions no compromise whatsoever is made with ruling class prejudice that may have found its way into the ranks of the workers. The Party stands unflinchingly on a program of full economic, social, and political equality, fighting segregation, Jim Crow and lynch law. It urges the white workers to take a leading part in the struggle for Negro rights and calls for the organization of defense groups of white and Negro workers to fight lynching and terror. It fights against the misleadership of the "race leaders" as well as of the A. F. of L. In the leading bodies and committees of the Communist Party and revolutionary unions Negro workers play an important rôle and in all committees delegated by demonstrations to present demands to the authorities Negro workers participate actively. Negro candidates appear on the Communist ticket in all election campaigns. The Communist Party throws all its energies into the development of a militant labor movement, based on steeled working class solidarity.

Struggle for Right of Self-Determination

Communists understand clearly that the Negroes, around whom have been built a special caste system and brutal persecutions based on the color line, can only attain full equality with other peoples of the world by a struggle against the white ruling class, against which the white workers are also struggling. The struggle of the mass of Negroes in the Black Belt of the South against semi-feudal exploitation and ruling class tyranny can be effective

only insofar as it is directed along the lines of a struggle for the right of self-determination, a part of the general struggle for Negro rights. By this is meant the right of the Negroes in the stretch of land known as the Black Belt, where they are in the majority, to rule themselves within their own state boundaries and determine their relationship to other governments, especially