American Revolution, ibi
town, and the people of the provinces pur- fued afcer them.
21. /ind a certain captain of the army of Britain, whofe fur-name was Musgrove^ feeing that the fervants of the king of Britain v;ere fleeing before their enemies, he took about three hundred men, and entered into the (Irong houfe of Benjamin* (now the houfe was built up with hewn flone, and it was very fircng.)
2 2. And it was fo, that the people of the provinces halted when they came to the houfe of Benjamin^ and they warred with the fer- vants of the king of Britain who were in the houfe.
23. Now while they were bufied about thefe things, Nal/janielj; affaulted the army of Britain on the right, and the battle wax- ed hot, and there were many who fell down iid.ia that day 1
- Benjamia Chew, Efc. f General Greene,
O 2