Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/187

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American Revolution, x8l

6. But William, chief captain of the ar- mies of Britain, fared fumptuoufly every day, he delighted himfelf with vain fports and fliev7S! and was occupied in thofe things that were not feemly for a warrior! he loved plea- fure, and became vain in his imaginations!

7. He lightly efteemed the glory of Bri- tain! he feemed to account it as a thing of nought! yea, he caufed his nation to be evil fpoken of!

8. Even the feci of the tories, they defpis- ed him! he caufed many of them to turn afide and walk in the footfleps of the great Sanhedrim!

9. Now it came to pafs, while William was walling the treafure of the king his mas- ter, in the purfuit of the vain imaginations of his own heart, that tidings came from the province of the North.*

  • Canada,