Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/190

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184 American Revolution*

fcore perfons of the people of the provin ces

18. And there fell of the chief warriors of the barbarians, three fcore and ten men, who were well fkilled m drawing the bow, and could (hoot an arrow to an hair's breadth and not mifs!

19. And the battle waxed hot, and Herki-' mer the captain, was flain; and the widows and fatherlefs were multiplied in the land!

20. The ftrife of the warriors was cruel! they rafhed upon each other as the dreams from the mountains! their countenances were dark and gloomy as the clouds from the South in the heat of fummer, when the earth is parched with heat!

21. So fierce* was their warfare, that the barbarians were aftoniilied with fear! and jealoufy took hold on their minds!

22. And they faid to their young men, Lo I

  • The militia antl tories were fo clofely engaged,

that they ilabbed each other with iheir knives.