Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/225

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American Revolution. 2 19

yea, it is a deteftable thing : fuffer me there* fore to fpeak, for I wifli to justify thee.

7. True it is, thou failed from the Ifland of Britain, to the town of Bofton; from thence thou paffed to HalUfax; from Halli- fax, thou came to Long-Ifland; from thence, thou failed to the city of York; and iadly, thou came to the city of Philadelphia.

8. And when thou had fojourned in tha£ city, for a feafon, living in the gratificatloa of thy fenfual appetites; lo! thou failed to the Ifland of Britain; and left Henry^ to war with the people of the Provinces, who were as able to go forth to the battle, as wheu thou firll came amongfl them.

9. This is the fum of thy victories, and the honour thou had acquired thereby, no man will wifh to take away from thee.

10. Hadfi: thou flayed in the Ifland of Bri- tain, happy would it have been for thy fame, and the page of the hiflorian would not hare been fullied, with thofe excefTes that were