Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/238

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23^ American Revolution.

ed not threatening fpeeches : but alas! it was too late, their confidence in the king and his chief fervants, was deflroyed.

12. Flowbeit, he brought certain written propofals into the great council, that feemed to fpeak peace and good-will to the people of theProvinces, and the great council approv- ed thereof; and they were fealed with the great fignet of the realm, and fent to the land of Columbia.

13. And certain men were appointed to carry the propofals, who were called Commissi^ oners; who, when they arrived on the coaft of Columbia, they fent the propofals to the great Sanhedrim.

14. And it was fo, that when the princes of the Provinces, had read all that was con- tained in the written paper, and had confulted together, it was rejeded by the whole alTem- bly; for they cared not to put their trufl in the king of Britain any more.

i:;. And the commifiloners feeing they