Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/279

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American Revolution^ 273

haH-e to (Irengthen themfelves, and they buUc battlements round about, and planted the deftroying engines thereon.

23. And there were gathered tosiether In the town, three thoufand and three hundred men; who were all true men and ftr;ant8 t© the great Sanhedrim.


General Prcvo^t before Charlestown — Simdrf Pr po^it'oyis rcjccled by the British; who hi' ing informed of the approach of the Americans^ jikd off tovjards the Islands near the sea.

/\ND as Prevost the chief captain, came nijjh unto the town, the inhabitants and the me.'i of war confuked anionad themfelves, in wh It nimner they fliould receive the men of


1. Ani they fent meflengers to Prevosf, and offered la the naai^ of che iahabitauts of